Up-to-date reference of API arguments for WAF domain you can get at documentation portal


Manages a WAF domain resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "content" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_certificate_v1" "certificate_1" {
  name    = "cert_1"

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_domain_v1" "domain_1" {
  hostname = "www.example.com"
  server {
    client_protocol = "HTTPS"
    server_protocol = "HTTPS"
    address         = ""
    port            = "443"
  certificate_id  = opentelekomcloud_waf_certificate_v1.certificate_1.id
  proxy           = true
  sip_header_name = "default"
  sip_header_list = ["X-Forwarded-For"]
  block_page {
    template     = "custom"
    status_code  = "200"
    content_type = "application/json"
    content      = var.content

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • hostname - (Required) The domain name. For example, www.example.com or *.example.com. Changing this creates a new domain.

  • certificate_id - (Optional) The certificate ID. This parameter is mandatory when front_protocol/client_protocol is set to HTTPS.

  • server - (Required) Array of server object. The server object structure is documented below. The server block supports:

    • client_protocol - (Optional) Protocol type of the client. The options are HTTP and HTTPS. Required if front_protocol is not set

    • server_protocol - (Optional) Protocol used by WAF to forward client requests to the server. The options are HTTP and HTTPS. Required if back_protocol is not set.

    • address - (Required) IP address or domain name of the web server that the client accesses. For example, or www.bla-bla.com.

    • port - (Required) Port number used by the web server. The value ranges from 0 to 65535, for example, 8080.

  • proxy - (Required) Specifies whether a proxy is configured.

  • policy_id - (Optional) The policy ID associate with the domain.

-> If no policy ID is defined, default policy will be automatically created and assigned to the domain.

  • sip_header_name - (Optional) The type of the source IP header. This parameter is required only when proxy is set to true. The options are as follows: default, cloudflare, akamai, and custom.

  • sip_header_list - (Optional) Array of HTTP request header for identifying the real source IP address. This parameter is required only when proxy is set to true.

    • If sip_header_name is default, sip_header_list is ["X-Forwarded-For"].

    • If sip_header_name is cloudflare, sip_header_list is ["CF-Connecting-IP", "X-Forwarded-For"].

    • If sip_header_name is akamai, sip_header_list is ["True-Client-IP"].

    • If sip_header_name is custom, you can customize a value.

  • cipher - (Optional) Cipher suite to use with TLS. Possible values are:

    • cipher_default - Default cipher suite: Good browser compatibility, most clients supported, sufficient for most scenarios

    • cipher_1 - Cipher suite 1: Recommended configuration, the best combination of compatibility and security

    • cipher_2 - Cipher suite 2: Strict compliance with forward secrecy requirements of PCI DSS and excellent protection, but older browsers may be unable to access the websites

    • cipher_3 - Cipher suite 3: Support for ECDHE, DHE-GCM, and RSA-AES-GCM algorithms but not CBC

-> сipher_2 is not supported if TLS v1.1 is selected.

  • tls - (Optional) Minimum TLS version for accessing the protected domain name if client_protocol is set to HTTPS. Possible values are: TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2.

  • block_page - (Optional) Alarm page configuration The block_page block supports:

    • template - (Required) Template name which can be default, custom or redirect.

    -> Redirection arguments (redirect template):

    • redirect_url - (Optional) URL of the redirected page.

    -> Custom alarm page arguments (custom template):

    • status_code - (Optional) Status Codes for custom.

    • content_type - (Optional) The content type of the custom alarm page. The value can be text/html, text/xml, or application/json.

    • content - (Optional) The page content based on the selected page type.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the domain.

  • access_code - The access code.

  • cname - The CNAME value.

  • txt_code - The TXT record. This attribute is returned only when proxy is set to true.

  • sub_domain - The subdomain name. This attribute is returned only when proxy is set to true.

  • protect_status - The WAF mode. -1: bypassed, 0: disabled, 1: enabled.

  • access_status - Whether a domain name is connected to WAF. 0: The domain name is not connected to WAF, 1: The domain name is connected to WAF.

  • protocol - The protocol type of the client. The options are HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP&HTTPS.

  • auto_policy_id - ID of the policy automatically created for the domain.


Domains can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_waf_domain_v1.dom_1 7117d38e-4c8f-4624-a505-bd96b97d024c