Up-to-date reference of API arguments for VPC floating ip you can get at documentation portal


Manages a V2 floating IP resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_networking_floatingip_v2" "floatip_1" {}

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • pool - (Optional) The name of the pool from which to obtain the floating IP. Default value is admin_external_net. Changing this creates a new floating IP.

  • port_id - (Optional) ID of an existing port with at least one IP address to associate with this floating IP.

  • tenant_id - (Optional) The target tenant ID in which to allocate the floating IP, if you specify this together with a port_id, make sure the target port belongs to the same tenant. Changing this creates a new floating IP (which may or may not have a different address).

  • fixed_ip - Fixed IP of the port to associate with this floating IP. Required if the port has multiple fixed IPs.

  • value_specs - (Optional) Map of additional options.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The floating IP id.

  • pool - See Argument Reference above.

  • address - The actual floating IP address itself.

  • port_id - ID of associated port.

  • tenant_id - the ID of the tenant in which to create the floating IP.

  • fixed_ip - The fixed IP which the floating IP maps to.


Floating IPs can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_networking_floatingip_v2.floatip_1 2c7f39f3-702b-48d1-940c-b50384177ee1