Up-to-date reference of API arguments for RDS parameter group rule you can get at documentation portal


Manages a RDSv3 parametergroup resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

-> NOTE: When you create a PostgreSQL parameter template, some specification parameters do not take effect and are invisible after the parameter template is created. For more information see Parameter Template Constraints.

These parameters can be directly applied in opentelekomcloud_rds_instance_v3 resource by providing a parameters argument.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_rds_parametergroup_v3" "pg_1" {
  name        = "pg_1"
  description = "some description here"

  values = {
    max_connections = "10"
    autocommit      = "OFF"
  datastore {
    type    = "mysql"
    version = "5.6"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The parameter group name. It contains a maximum of 64 characters.

  • description - (Optional) The parameter group description. It contains a maximum of 256 characters and cannot contain the following special characters: >!<"&'= the value is left blank by default.

  • values - (Optional) Parameter group values key/value pairs defined by users based on the default parameter groups.

  • datastore - (Required) Database object. The database object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new parameter group.

The datastore block supports:

  • type - (Required) Specifies the DB engine. Currently, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQLServer are supported. The value is case-insensitive and can be mysql, postgresql or sqlserver.

  • version - (Required) Specifies the database version.

    • MySQL databases support MySQL 5.6, 5.7, 8.0. Example value: 5.7.

    • PostgreSQL databases support PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10 and 11. Example value: 9.5.

    • Microsoft SQL Server databases support 2014 SE, 2016 SE, and 2016 EE. Example value: 2014_SE.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the parameter group.

  • configuration_parameters - Indicates the parameter configuration defined by users based on the default parameters groups.

  • name - Indicates the parameter name.

  • value - Indicates the parameter value.

  • restart_required - Indicates whether a restart is required.

  • readonly - Indicates whether the parameter is read-only.

  • value_range - Indicates the parameter value range.

  • type - Indicates the parameter type.

  • description - Indicates the parameter description.

  • created - Indicates the creation time in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.

  • updated - Indicates the update time in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.


Parameter groups can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_rds_parametergroup_v3.pg_1 7117d38e-4c8f-4624-a505-bd96b97d024c