Up-to-date reference of API arguments for SMN subscription you can get at documentation portal


Manages a V2 subscription resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2" "topic_1" {
  name         = "topic_1"
  display_name = "The display name of topic_1"

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_subscription_v2" "subscription_1" {
  topic_urn = opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2.topic_1.id
  endpoint  = "mailtest@gmail.com"
  protocol  = "email"
  remark    = "O&M"

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_subscription_v2" "subscription_2" {
  topic_urn = opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2.topic_1.id
  endpoint  = "13600000000"
  protocol  = "sms"
  remark    = "O&M"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • topic_urn - (Required) Specifies the resource identifier of a topic, which is unique.

  • endpoint - (Required) Specifies the message endpoint.

    • For an HTTP subscription, the endpoint starts with http://.

    • For an HTTPS subscription, the endpoint starts with https://.

    • For an email subscription, the endpoint is a mail address.

    • For an SMS message subscription, the endpoint is a phone number.

  • protocol - (Required) Specifies protocol of the message endpoint. Currently, email, sms, http, and https are supported.

  • remark - (Optional) Specifies the remark information. The remarks must be a UTF-8-coded character string containing 128 bytes.

  • project_name - (Optional) The project name for the subscription.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • subscription_urn - The resource identifier of a subscription.

  • owner - The project ID of the topic creator.

  • status - The subscription status.

    • 0 indicates that the subscription is not confirmed.

    • 1 indicates that the subscription is confirmed.

    • 3 indicates that the subscription is canceled.