Up-to-date reference of API arguments for ECS instance you can get at documentation portal


Manages a V1 ECS instance resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Basic Instance

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  key_name          = "KeyPair-test"

  tags = {
    muh = "kuh"

Basic Instance with security group

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_secgroup_v2" "secgroup_1" {
  name = "ecs_secgroup"

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  security_groups   = [opentelekomcloud_compute_secgroup_v2.secgroup_1.id]
  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  key_name          = "KeyPair-test"

Instance with Data Disks

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  system_disk_type = "SAS"
  system_disk_size = 40

  data_disks {
    type = "SATA"
    size = "10"
  data_disks {
    type = "SAS"
    size = "20"

  delete_disks_on_termination = true
  availability_zone           = "eu-de-01"
  key_name                    = "KeyPair-test"

Instance With Attached Volume

resource "opentelekomcloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "myvol" {
  name = "myvol"
  size = 1

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  key_name          = "KeyPair-test"

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_volume_attach_v2" "attached" {
  instance_id = opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1.basic.id
  volume_id   = opentelekomcloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.myvol.id

Instance With Multiple Networks

resource "opentelekomcloud_networking_floatingip_v2" "this" {
  pool = "admin_external_net"

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "this" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  nics {
    network_id = "2c0a74a9-4395-4e62-a17b-e3e86fbf66b7"

  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  key_name          = "KeyPair-test"

resource "opentelekomcloud_networking_floatingip_associate_v2" "this" {
  floating_ip = opentelekomcloud_networking_floatingip_v2.this.address
  port_id     = opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1.this.nics.0.port_id

Instance with User Data (cloud-init)

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  user_data = "#cloud-config\nhostname: server_1.example.com\nfqdn: server_1.example.com"
  key_name  = "KeyPair-test"

-> user_data can come from a variety of sources: inline, read in from the file function, or the template_cloudinit_config resource.

Instance with scheduler hints

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_servergroup_v2" "sg_1" {
  name     = "sg_1"
  policies = ["anti-affinity"]

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "basic" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = "ad091b52-742f-469e-8f3c-fd81cadf0743"
  flavor   = "s2.large.2"
  vpc_id   = "8eed4fc7-e5e5-44a2-b5f2-23b3e5d46235"

  nics {
    network_id = "55534eaa-533a-419d-9b40-ec427ea7195a"

  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  key_name          = "KeyPair-test"

  os_scheduler_hints {
    group   = opentelekomcloud_compute_servergroup_v2.sg_1.id
    tenancy = "shared"

  tags = {
    muh = "kuh"

Instance with encrypted disks

resource opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1 ecs {
  name              = var.host_name
  flavor            = var.flavor_name
  availability_zone = var.az
  security_groups   = [data.opentelekomcloud_networking_secgroup_v2.default.id]
  vpc_id            = var.vpc_id
  image_id          = var.image_id
  auto_recovery     = true

  nics {
    network_id = var.vpc_subnetwork_id
    ip_address = var.private_ip

  system_disk_type            = var.disk_type
  system_disk_size            = var.disk_size
  system_disk_kms_id          = var.key_disk_encryption
  delete_disks_on_termination = true

  data_disks {
    type   = "SSD"
    size   = 40
    kms_id = var.key_disk_encryption

~> Encrypted disks requires EVS to be authorized to use KMS keys. The easiest way is to create an encrypted instance via the console - this should be done only once per project. Another way is to use an agency, same way it's done for CCE.

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required, String) A unique name for the instance.

  • image_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) The ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this creates a new server.

  • flavor - (Required, String) The name of the desired flavor for the server.

  • user_data - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.

  • password - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this creates a new server.

  • key_name - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.

  • vpc_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) The ID of the desired VPC for the server. Changing this creates a new server.

  • nics - (Required, List, ForceNew) An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The nics object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.

  • system_disk_type - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The system disk type of the server. For HANA, HL1, and HL2 ECSs use co-p1 and uh-l1 disks. Changing this creates a new server. Options are limited depending on AZ. Available options are:

    • SATA: common I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • SAS: high I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • SSD: ultra-high I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • co-p1: high I/O(performance-optimized) disk type.

    • uh-l1: ultra-high I/O(latency-optimized) disk type.

    • ESSD: extreme SSD disk type. -> NOTE: Common I/O (SATA) will reach end of life, end of 2025.

  • system_disk_size - (Optional, Integer, ForceNew) The system disk size in GB, The value range is 1 to 1024. Changing this creates a new server.

  • data_disks - (Optional, List, ForceNew) An array of one or more data disks to attach to the instance. The data_disks object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.

  • system_disk_kms_id - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The Encryption KMS ID of the system disk. Changing this creates a new server.

  • security_groups - (Optional, List) An array of one or more security group IDs to associate with the server. If this parameter is left blank, the default security group is bound to the ECS by default.

  • availability_zone - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The availability zone in which to create the server.

    -> NOTE: If this parameter is not specified, the system automatically selects an AZ.

    Changing this creates a new server.

  • os_scheduler_hints - (Optional, Map, ForceNew) Schedules ECSs, for example, by configuring an ECS group. The os_scheduler_hints object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.

  • auto_recovery - (Optional, Boolean) Whether configure automatic recovery of an instance.

  • delete_disks_on_termination - (Optional, Boolean) Delete the data disks upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.

  • tags - (Optional, Map) Tags key/value pairs to associate with the instance.

The nics block supports:

  • network_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.

  • ip_address - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.

The data_disks block supports:

  • type - (Required, String, ForceNew) The data disk type of the server. For HANA, HL1, and HL2 ECSs use co-p1 and uh-l1 disks. Changing this creates a new server. Options are limited depending on AZ. Available options are:

    • SATA: common I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • SAS: high I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • SSD: ultra-high I/O disk type. Available for all AZs.

    • co-p1: high I/O(performance-optimized) disk type.

    • uh-l1: ultra-high I/O(latency-optimized) disk type.

    • ESSD: extreme SSD disk type. -> NOTE: Common I/O (SATA) will reach end of life, end of 2025.

  • size - (Required, String, ForceNew) The size of the data disk in GB. The value range is 10 to 32768. Changing this creates a new server.

  • kms_id - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The Encryption KMS ID of the data disk. Changing this creates a new server.

  • snapshot_id - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the snapshot ID or ID of the original data disk contained in the full-ECS image. Changing this creates a new server.

The os_scheduler_hints block supports:

  • group - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the ECS group ID in UUID format.

  • tenancy - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Creates ECSs on a dedicated or shared host. Available options are: dedicated or shared.

  • dedicated_host_id - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the dedicated host ID. A Dedicated Host ID takes effect only when tenancy is set to dedicated.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • system_disk_id - (String) The ID of the system disk.

  • nics/mac_address - (String) The MAC address of the NIC on that network.

  • nics/type - (String) The type of the address of the NIC on that network.

  • nics/port_id - (String) The port ID of the NIC on that network.

  • volumes_attached/id - (String) The ID of the data disk.


Instances can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1.instance_1 d90ce693-5ccf-4136-a0ed-152ce412b6b9