Up-to-date reference of API arguments for DMS partition reassigning you can get at documentation portal


Initiate partition reassignment for an up-to-date DMS topic resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "instance_id" {}
variable "topic_name" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_dms_reassign_partitions_v2" "rp_1" {
  instance_id   = var.instance_id
  throttle      = 1000000
  time_estimate = false
  reassignments {
    topic              = var.topic_name
    replication_factor = 3
    brokers            = [0, 1, 2]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies the DMS instance ID.

  • reassignments - (Required, List, ForceNew) Specifies the reassignment plan. The reassignments structure is documented below.

  • throttle - (Optional, Integer, ForceNew) Specifies the reassignment threshold.

  • is_schedule - (Optional, Boolean, ForceNew) Specifies whether the task is scheduled. If no, is_schedule and execute_at can be left blank. If yes, is_schedule is true and execute_at must be specified.

  • execute_at - (Optional, Integer, ForceNew) Specifies the schedule time. The value is a UNIX timestamp, in ms.

  • time_estimate - (Optional, Boolean, ForceNew) Specifies whether to perform time estimation or relabancing tasks. Set true to perform time estimation tasks and false to perform rebalancing tasks.

The reassignments block supports:

  • topic - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies the topic name.

  • brokers - (Optional, List, ForceNew) Specifies the list of brokers to which partitions are reassigned. Note: This parameter is mandatory in automatic assignment.

  • replication_factor - (Optional, Integer, ForceNew) Specifies the replication factor, which can be specified in automatic assignment.

  • assignments - (Optional, List, ForceNew) Specifies the manually specified assignment plan. Note: The brokers parameter and assignments parameter cannot be empty at the same time. The assignments structure is documented below.

The assignments block supports:

  • partition - (Optional, Integer, ForceNew) Specifies the partition number in manual assignment.

  • partition_brokers - (Optional, List, ForceNew) Specifies the list of brokers to be assigned to a partition in manual assignment.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • reassignment_time - Indicates the estimated time, in seconds. Only reassignment_time is returned for a time estimation task.

  • region - The region in which the resource is created.