Up-to-date reference for API arguments and details can be found at the documentation portal.


Manage the configuration settings of a CSS cluster in OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_css_configuration_v1" "example" {
  cluster_id                  = "your-cluster-id"
  http_cors_allow_credentials = "true"
  http_cors_allow_origin      = ""
  indices_queries_cache_size  = "50"
  auto_create_index           = "true"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) The CSS cluster ID.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • http_cors_allow_credetials - (Optional, String) Whether to return the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials of the header during cross-domain access. The value can be true or false. Default value: false.

  • http_cors_allow_origin - (Optional, String) Origin IP address allowed for cross-domain access, for example,

  • http_cors_max_age - (Optional, String) Cache duration of the browser. The cache is automatically cleared after the time range you specify. Unit: s, Default value: 1,728,000.

  • http_cors_allow_headers - (Optional, String) Headers allowed for cross-domain access. Including X-Requested-With, Content-Type, and Content-Length. Use commas (,) and spaces to separate headers.

  • http_cors_enabled - (Optional, String) Whether to allow cross-domain access. The value can be true or false. Default value: false.

  • http_cors_allow_methods - (Optional, String) Methods allowed for cross-domain access. Including OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Use commas (,) and spaces to separate methods.

  • reindex_remote_whitelist - (Optional, String) Configured for migrating data from the current cluster to the target cluster through the reindex API. The example value is

  • indices_queries_cache_size - (Optional, String) Cache size in the query phase. Value range: 1% to 100%. Unit: %, Default value: 10%.

  • thread_pool_force_merge_size - (Optional, String) Queue size in the force merge thread pool. Default value: 1.

  • auto_create_index - (Optional, String) Whether to auto-create an index. The value can be true or false.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID which equals the cluster_id.

  • region - The region where the CSS cluster is deployed.


This resource provides the following timeouts configuration options:

  • create - Default is 20 minutes.

  • delete - Default is 20 minutes.


The CSS configuration can be imported using the id which equals the cluster_id, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_css_configuration_v1.test <id>