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Manages a CSS configuration of automatic snapshot creation.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_networking_secgroup_v2" "secgroup" {
  name = var.security_group

resource "opentelekomcloud_css_cluster_v1" "cluster" {
  name            = "terraform_test_cluster"
  expect_node_num = 1
  node_config {
    flavor = "css.medium.8"
    network_info {
      security_group_id = data.opentelekomcloud_networking_secgroup_v2.secgroup.id
      network_id        = var.network_id
      vpc_id            = var.vpc_id
    volume {
      volume_type = "COMMON"
      size        = 40

    availability_zone = var.availability_zone

resource "opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket        = "tf-snap-testing"
  force_destroy = true

resource "opentelekomcloud_css_snapshot_configuration_v1" "config" {
  cluster_id = opentelekomcloud_css_cluster_v1.cluster.id
  configuration {
    bucket    = opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket.bucket.bucket
    agency    = "css_obs_agency"
    base_path = "css/snapshot"
  creation_policy {
    prefix      = "snapshot"
    period      = "00:00 GMT+03:00"
    keepday     = 2
    enable      = true
    delete_auto = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_id - (Required) ID of the CSS cluster.

  • automatic - (Optional) Use automatic configuration for CCS cluster screenshots. Mutually exclusive with configuration/creation_policy.

  • configuration - (Optional) The basic configurations of a cluster snapshot. Structure is documented below. Mutually exclusive with automatic.

  • creation_policy - (Optional) Parameters related to automatic snapshot creation. Structure is documented below. Mutually exclusive with automatic.

The configuration block supports:

  • bucket - (Required) The bucket which will be used for storing snapshots.

  • agency - (Required) The agency used by CSS to access OBS.

  • base_path - (Required) Storage path of the snapshot in the OBS bucket.

  • kms_id - (Options) Key ID used for snapshot encryption.

~> If the key used for encryption is in the Pending deletion or disable state, you cannot perform backup and restoration operations on the cluster. Specifically, new snapshots cannot be created for the cluster, and existing snapshots cannot be used for restoration. In this case, switch to the KMS management console and change the state of the target key to enable so that backup and restore operations are allowed on the cluster. For more details see https://docs.otc.t-systems.com/api/css/css_03_0030.html

The creation_policy block supports:

  • prefix - (Required) Prefix of the snapshot name that is automatically created.

  • period - (Required) Time when a snapshot is created every day. Snapshots can only be created on the hour. The time format is the time followed by the time zone, specifically, HH:mm z. In the format, HH:mm refers to the hour time and z refers to the time zone, for example, 00:00 GMT+08:00 and 01:00 GMT+08:00.

  • keepday - (Required) Number of days that a snapshot can be retained. The value ranges from 1 to 90. The system automatically deletes snapshots that have been retained for the allowed maximum duration on the half hour.

  • enable - (Required) Value true indicates that the automatic snapshot creation policy is enabled, and value false indicates that the automatic snapshot creation policy is disabled.

  • delete_auto - (Optional) Whether to delete all automatically created snapshots when the automatic snapshot creation policy is disabled. The default value is false, indicating that snapshots that have been automatically created are not deleted when the automatic snapshot creation function is disabled. If this parameter is set to true, all automatically created snapshots are deleted when the automatic snapshot creation policy is disabled.