Up-to-date reference of API arguments for OBS bucket cross-region replication you can get at documentation portal


Manages an OBS bucket Cross-Region Replication resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

-> NOTE: The source bucket and destination bucket must belong to the same account. More cross-Region replication constraints see Cross-Region replication

Example Usage

Replicate all objects

variable "bucket" {}
variable "destination_bucket" {}
variable "agency" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket_replication" "test" {
  bucket             = var.bucket
  destination_bucket = var.destination_bucket
  agency             = var.agency

  rule {
    history_enabled = false
    delete_data     = false

Replicate objects matched by prefix

variable "bucket" {}
variable "destination_bucket" {}
variable "agency" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket_replication" "test" {
  bucket             = var.bucket
  destination_bucket = var.destination_bucket
  agency             = var.agency

  rule {
    prefix = "log"

  rule {
    prefix          = "imgs/"
    storage_class   = "COLD"
    enabled         = true
    history_enabled = false
    delete_data     = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies the region in which to create the resource. If omitted, the provider-level region will be used.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • bucket - (Required, ForceNew) Specifies the name of the source bucket.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • destination_bucket - (Required) Specifies the name of the destination bucket.

    -> NOTE: The destination bucket cannot be in the region where the source bucket resides. Some regions do not support cross regional replication. More constraints information see: Cross-Region replication

  • agency - (Required) Specifies the IAM agency name applied to the cross-region replication.

    -> NOTE: The IAM agency is a cloud service agency of OBS. Which must has the OBS Administrator permission.

  • rule - (Optional) Specifies the configurations of object cross-region replication management. The structure is documented below.

The rule block supports:

  • prefix - (Optional) Specifies the prefix of an object key name, applicable to one or more objects. The maximum length of a prefix is 1024 characters. Duplicated prefixes are not supported. If omitted, all objects in the bucket will be managed by the lifecycle rule. To copy a folder, end the prefix with a slash (/), for example, imgs/.

  • storage_class - (Optional) Specifies the storage class for replicated objects. Valid values are STANDARD, WARM (Infrequent Access) and COLD (Archive). If omitted, the storage class of object copies is the same as that of objects in the source bucket.

  • enabled - (Optional) Specifies cross-region replication rule status. Defaults to true.

  • history_enabled - (Optional) Specifies cross-region replication history rule status. Defaults to false. If the value is true, historical objects meeting this rule are copied.

  • delete_data - (Optional) Specifies cross-region replication object deletion operations status. Defaults to false. If the value is true, object deletion for the source bucket will be replicated to the destination bucket.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The name of the bucket.

  • rule/id - The ID of a rule in UUID format.


The obs bucket cross-region replication can be imported using the bucket, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket_replication.test <bucket-name>