Up-to-date reference of API arguments for SWR domain you can get at documentation portal


Manages the SWR image sharing domain resource within Open Telekom Cloud.

Example Usage

variable "access_domain" {}

resource opentelekomcloud_swr_organization_v2 org_1 {
  name = "organization_1"

resource opentelekomcloud_swr_repository_v2 repo_1 {
  organization = opentelekomcloud_swr_organization_v2.org_1.name
  name         = "repository_1"
  description  = "Test repository"
  category     = "linux"
  is_public    = false

resource opentelekomcloud_swr_domain_v2 domain_1 {
  organization  = opentelekomcloud_swr_organization_v2.org_1.name
  repository    = opentelekomcloud_swr_organization_v2.repo_1.name
  access_domain = var.access_domain
  permission    = "read"
  deadline      = "forever"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • organization - (Required) The name of the repository organization.

  • repository - (Required) The name of the repository.

  • access_domain - (Required) The name of the domain for image sharing.

-> access_domain should be an existing OTC domain.

  • permission - (Required) Permission to be granted. Currently, only the read permission is supported.

  • deadline - (Required) End date of image sharing (UTC). When the value is set to forever, the image will be permanently available for the domain. The validity period is calculated by day. The shared images expire at 00:00:00 on the day after the end date.

  • description - (Optional) Specifies SWR domain description.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • creator_id - Username ID of the domain creator.

  • creator_name - Username of the domain creator.

  • created - Indicates the creation time.

  • updated - Indicates the domain when was last updated.

  • status - Indicates the domain is valid (true) or expired (false).