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Manages a Dedicated Load Balancer Policy resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage Basic

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3" "this" {
  router_id   = var.router_id
  network_ids = [var.network_id]

  availability_zones = [var.az]

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  protocol        = "HTTP"
  protocol_port   = 8080

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_pool_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  lb_algorithm    = "ROUND_ROBIN"
  protocol        = "HTTP"

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_policy_v3" "this" {
  action           = "REDIRECT_TO_POOL"
  listener_id      = opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3.this.id
  redirect_pool_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_pool_v3.this.id
  position         = 37

Fixed Response Example

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3" "this" {
  router_id   = var.router_id
  network_ids = [var.network_id]

  availability_zones = [var.az]

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id     = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  protocol            = "HTTP"
  protocol_port       = 8080
  advanced_forwarding = true

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_pool_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  lb_algorithm    = "ROUND_ROBIN"
  protocol        = "HTTP"

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_policy_v3" "this" {
  action      = "FIXED_RESPONSE"
  listener_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3.this.id
  position    = 37
  priority    = 10

  fixed_response_config {
    status_code  = "200"
    content_type = "text/plain"
    message_body = "Fixed Response"

Redirect To Url Example

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3" "this" {
  router_id   = var.router_id
  network_ids = [var.network_id]

  availability_zones = [var.az]

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id     = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  protocol            = "HTTP"
  protocol_port       = 8080
  advanced_forwarding = true

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_pool_v3" "this" {
  loadbalancer_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v3.this.id
  lb_algorithm    = "ROUND_ROBIN"
  protocol        = "HTTP"

resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_policy_v3" "this" {
  action      = "REDIRECT_TO_URL"
  listener_id = opentelekomcloud_lb_listener_v3.this.id
  position    = 37
  priority    = 10

  redirect_url = "https://www.google.com:443"

  redirect_url_config {
    status_code = "301"
    query       = "name=my_name"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • project_id - (Optional) Required for admins. The UUID of the tenant who owns the Policy. Only administrative users can specify a tenant UUID other than their own. Changing this creates a new Policy.

  • name - (Optional) Specifies the forwarding policy name.

  • description - (Optional) Provides supplementary information about the forwarding policy.

  • action - (Required) The Policy action - can either be REDIRECT_TO_POOL, or REDIRECT_TO_LISTENER. Changing this creates a new Policy.

  • listener_id - (Required) The Listener on which the Policy will be associated with. Changing this creates a new Policy.

  • position - (Optional) The position of this policy on the listener. Positions start at 1. Changing this creates a new Policy.

  • redirect_pool_id - (Optional) Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the pool with this ID. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_POOL.

  • redirect_listener_id - (Optional) Requests matching this policy will be redirected to the listener with this ID. Only valid if action is REDIRECT_TO_LISTENER.

  • rules - (Optional) Lists the forwarding rules in the forwarding policy.

    • type - (Required) Specifies the match content. The value can be one of the following: HOST_NAME, PATH.

    • compare_type - (Required) - Specifies how requests are matched with the domain name or URL. The values can be: EQUAL_TO, REGEX, STARTS_WITH.

    ->If type is set to HOST_NAME, this parameter can only be set to EQUAL_TO (exact match). If type is set to PATH, this parameter can be set to REGEX (regular expression match), STARTS_WITH (prefix match), or EQUAL_TO (exact match).

    • value - (Required) Specifies the value of the match item. For example, if a domain name is used for matching, value is the domain name.

    ->If type is set to HOST_NAME, the value can contain letters, digits, hyphens -, and periods . and must start with a letter or digit. If you want to use a wildcard domain name, enter an asterisk * as the leftmost label of the domain name. If type is set to PATH and compare_type to STARTS_WITH or EQUAL_TO, the value must start with a slash / and can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^-%#&$.*+?,=!:|/()[]{}.

  • priority - (Optional) Specifies the forwarding policy priority. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. The value must be unique for forwarding policies of the same listener. This parameter will take effect only when advanced_forwarding is set to true. If this parameter is passed and advanced_forwarding is set to false, an error will be returned. This parameter is unsupported for shared load balancers and not available in eu-nl.

  • fixed_response_config - (Optional) Specifies the configuration of the page that will be returned. This parameter will take effect when advanced_forwarding is set to true. If this parameter is passed and advanced_forwarding is set to false, an error will be returned. Not available in eu-nl.

    • status_code - (Required) Specifies the fixed HTTP status code configured in the forwarding rule. The value can be any integer in the range of 200-299, 400-499, or 500-599.

    • content_type - (Optional) - Specifies the format of the response body.

    • message_body - (Optional) - Specifies the content of the response message body.

  • redirect_url - (Optional) Specifies the URL to which requests are forwarded.

  • redirect_url_config - (Optional) Specifies the URL to which requests are forwarded. For dedicated load balancers, This parameter will take effect when advanced_forwarding is set to true. If it is passed when advanced_forwarding is set to false, an error will be returned. Not available in eu-nl.

    • protocol - (Optional) - Specifies the protocol for redirection. The value can be HTTP, HTTPS, or ${protocol}. The default value is ${protocol}, indicating that the protocol of the request will be used.

    • host - (Optional) - Specifies the host name that requests are redirected to. The value can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and periods (.) and must start with a letter or digit. The default value is ${host}, indicating that the host of the request will be used.

    • port - (Optional) - Specifies the port that requests are redirected to. The default value is ${port}, indicating that the port of the request will be used.

    • path - (Optional) - Specifies the path that requests are redirected to. The default value is ${path}, indicating that the path of the request will be used. The value can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^- %#&$.*+?,=!:|/()[]{} and must start with a slash (/).

    • query - (Optional) - Specifies the query string set in the URL for redirection. The default value is ${query}, indicating that the query string of the request will be used.

    • status_code - (Required) - Specifies the status code returned after the requests are redirected. The value can be 301, 302, 303, 307, or 308.

  • redirect_pools_config - (Optional) Specifies the configuration of the backend server group that the requests are forwarded to. This parameter is valid only when action is set to REDIRECT_TO_POOL.

    • pool_id - (Required) - Specifies the ID of the backend server group.

    • weight - (Required) - Specifies the weight of the backend server group. The value ranges from 0 to 100.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The unique ID for the policy.

  • status - Specifies the provisioning status of the forwarding policy.


Load Balancer Policy can be imported using the Policy ID, e.g.:

terraform import opentelekomcloud_lb_policy_v3.this 8a7a79c2-cf17-4e65-b2ae-ddc8bfcf6c74