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Manages a V1 AS Configuration resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Basic AS Configuration

resource "opentelekomcloud_as_configuration_v1" "my_as_config" {
  scaling_configuration_name = "my_as_config"

  instance_config {
    flavor = var.flavor
    image  = var.image_id
    disk {
      size        = 40
      volume_type = "SATA"
      disk_type   = "SYS"

    key_name  = var.keyname
    user_data = file("userdata.txt")

AS Configuration With Encrypted Data Disk

resource "opentelekomcloud_as_configuration_v1" "my_as_config" {
  scaling_configuration_name = "my_as_config"

  instance_config {
    flavor = var.flavor
    image  = var.image_id
    disk {
      size        = 40
      volume_type = "SATA"
      disk_type   = "SYS"
    disk {
      size        = 100
      volume_type = "SATA"
      disk_type   = "DATA"
      kms_id      = var.kms_id

    key_name  = var.keyname
    user_data = file("userdata.txt")

AS Configuration With User Data and Metadata

resource "opentelekomcloud_as_configuration_v1" "my_as_config" {
  scaling_configuration_name = "my_as_config"

  instance_config {
    flavor = var.flavor
    image  = var.image_id
    disk {
      size        = 40
      volume_type = "SATA"
      disk_type   = "SYS"
    key_name  = var.keyname
    user_data = file("userdata.txt")
    metadata = {
      some_key = "some_value"

user_data can come from a variety of sources: inline, read in from the file function, or the template_cloudinit_config resource.

AS Configuration uses the existing instance specifications as the template

resource "opentelekomcloud_as_configuration_v1" "my_as_config" {
  scaling_configuration_name = "my_as_config"

  instance_config = {
    instance_id = "4579f2f5-cbe8-425a-8f32-53dcb9d9053a"
    key_name    = var.keyname

AS Configuration With Security Groups

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_secgroup_v2" "secgroup_1" {
  name        = "acc-test-sg-1"
  description = "Security group for AS config tf test"

resource "opentelekomcloud_as_configuration_v1" "my_as_config" {
  scaling_configuration_name = "my_as_config"

  instance_config {
    flavor = var.flavor
    image  = var.image_id
    disk {
      size        = 40
      volume_type = "SATA"
      disk_type   = "SYS"
    key_name  = var.keyname
    user_data = file("userdata.txt")
    security_groups = [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V1 AutoScaling client. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new group.

  • scaling_configuration_name - (Required) The name of the AS configuration. The name can contain letters, digits, underscores(_), and hyphens(-), and cannot exceed 64 characters.

  • instance_config - (Required) The information about instance configurations. The instance_config dictionary data structure is documented below.

The instance_config block supports:

  • instance_id - (Optional) When using the existing instance specifications as the template to create AS configurations, specify this argument. In this case, flavor, image, and disk arguments do not take effect. If the instance_id argument is not specified, flavor, image, and disk arguments are mandatory.

  • flavor - (Optional) The flavor ID. By default, it tries to get from env by OS_FLAVOR_ID.

  • image - (Optional) The image ID. By default, it tries to get from env by OS_IMAGE_ID.

  • disk - (Optional) The disk group information. System disks are mandatory and data disks are optional. The dick structure is described below.

  • key_name - (Required) The name of the SSH key pair used to log in to the instance.

  • user_data - (Optional) The user data to provide when launching the instance. The file content must be encoded with Base64.

  • personality - (Optional) Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below.

  • public_ip - (Optional) The elastic IP address of the instance. The public_ip structure is described below.

  • metadata - (Optional) Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance.

  • security_groups - (Optional) An array of one or more security group IDs to associate with the AS configuration.

The disk block supports:

  • size - (Required) The disk size. The unit is GB. The system disk size ranges from 4 to 32768 and must be greater than or equal to the minimum size (min_disk value) of the system disk specified in the image. The data disk size ranges from 10 to 32768.

  • volume_type - (Required) Specifies the ECS system disk type. The disk type must match the available disk type.

    • SATA: common I/O disk type.

    • SAS: high I/O disk type.

    • SSD: ultra-high I/O disk type.

    • co-p1: high I/O (performance-optimized I) disk type.

    • uh-l1: ultra-high I/O (latency-optimized) disk type. -> NOTE: Common I/O (SATA) will reach end of life, end of 2025.

->For HANA, HL1, and HL2 ECSs, use co-p1 and uh-l1 disks. For other ECSs, do not use co-p1 or uh-l1 disks.

  • disk_type - (Required) Specifies a disk type. The options are as follows:

    • DATA: indicates a data disk.

    • SYS: indicates a system disk.

  • kms_id - (Optional) The Encryption KMS ID of the data disk.

The personality block supports:

  • path - (Required) The absolute path of the destination file.

  • contents - (Required) The content of the injected file, which must be encoded with base64.

The public_ip block supports:

  • eip - (Required) The configuration parameter for creating an elastic IP address that will be automatically assigned to the instance. The eip structure is described below.

The eip block supports:

  • ip_type - (Required) The IP address type. The system only supports 5_bgp and 5_mailbgp.

  • bandwidth - (Required) The bandwidth information. The structure is described below.

The bandwidth block supports:

  • size - (Required) The bandwidth (Mbit/s). The value range is 1 to 500.

->The specific range may vary depending on the configuration in each region. You can see the bandwidth range of each region on the management console. The minimum unit is 1 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth size ranges from 0 to 300 Mbit/s. The minimum unit is 50 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth size ranges 300 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s.

  • share_type - (Required) The bandwidth sharing type. The system only supports PER.

  • charging_mode - (Required) The bandwidth charging mode. The system only supports traffic.

Attributes Reference

All above argument parameters can be exported as attribute parameters along with attribute reference.

  • id - Specifies the AS configuration ID.

  • scaling_configuration_name - Specifies the AS configuration name.

  • instance_config - Specifies the information about instance configurations.

The instance_config block supports:

  • flavor - Specifies the ECS flavor ID.

  • image - Specifies the image ID.

  • key_name - See Argument Reference above.

  • user_data - See Argument Reference above.

  • region - See Argument Reference above.