Up-to-date reference of API arguments for KMS key you can get at documentation portal


Manages a V1 KMS key resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_kms_key_v1" "key_1" {
  key_alias       = "key_1"
  pending_days    = "7"
  key_description = "first test key"
  realm           = "eu-de-01"
  is_enabled      = true

  tags = {
    muh = "kuh"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • allow_cancel_deletion - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the key is enabled from Pending Deletion state. The value true indicates that the key state Pending Deletion will be cancelled.

  • key_alias - (Required, String) The alias in which to create the key. It is required when we create a new key. Changing this updates the alias of key.

  • key_description - (Optional, String) The description of the key as viewed in OpenTelekomCloud console. Changing this updates the description of key.

  • origin - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the source of the KMS key. Changing this parameter will create a new resource. The default value is kms. The valid values are as follows:

    • kms: The key is generated by KMS.

    • external: The key is external imported.

  • realm - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Region where a key resides. Changing this creates a new key.

  • pending_days - (Optional, String) Duration in days after which the key is deleted after destruction of the resource, must be between 7 and 1096 days. Defaults to 7. It only is used when delete a key.

  • is_enabled - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the KMS key is enabled. The default value is true. This parameter is not supported when creating an external import key for the first time.

  • rotation_interval - (Optional, Int) Rotation interval. The value is an integer ranging from 30 to 365. Set the interval based on how often a CMK is used. If it is frequently used, set a short interval; otherwise, set a long one.

  • rotation_enabled - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the key is enabled for rotation.

  • tags - (Optional, Map) Tags key/value pairs to associate with the AutoScaling Group.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The globally unique identifier for the key.

  • key_alias - See Argument Reference above.

  • key_description - See Argument Reference above.

  • key_state - The current status of the KMS key. The valid values are as follows:

    • 1: To be activated.

    • 2: Enabled.

    • 3: Disabled.

    • 4: Pending deletion.

    • 5: Pending import.

  • realm - See Argument Reference above.

  • default_key_flag - Identification of a Master Key. The value 1 indicates a Default Master Key, and the value 0 indicates a key.

  • scheduled_deletion_date - Scheduled deletion time (time stamp) of a key.

  • domain_id - ID of a user domain for the key.

  • expiration_time - Expiration time.

  • creation_date - Creation time (time stamp) of a key.

  • is_enabled - See Argument Reference above.

  • tags - See Argument Reference above.

  • rotation_number - Number of key rotations.


KMS Keys can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_kms_key_v1.key_1 7056d636-ac60-4663-8a6c-82d3c32c1c64