Up-to-date reference of API arguments for CTS event notification you can get at documentation portal


Allows to send SMS, email, or HTTP/HTTPS notifications through pre-configured SMN topics to subscribers.

Example Usage

Event notification which delivers every tenant action to subscribers

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2" "topic_1" {
  name = "topic_1"

resource "opentelekomcloud_cts_event_notification_v3" "notification_v3" {
  notification_name = "my_notification"
  operation_type    = "complete"
  topic_id          = opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2.topic_1.id
  status            = "enabled"

Event notification with disabled SMN topic

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2" "topic_1" {
  name = "topic_1"

resource "opentelekomcloud_cts_event_notification_v3" "notification_v3" {
  notification_name = "my_notification"
  operation_type    = "complete"

Event notification with selected operations and users

resource "opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2" "topic_1" {
  name = "topic_1"

resource "opentelekomcloud_cts_event_notification_v3" "notification_v3" {
  notification_name = "test_user"
  operation_type    = "customized"
  topic_id          = opentelekomcloud_smn_topic_v2.topic_1.id
  status            = "enabled"
  operations {
    resource_type = "vpc"
    service_type  = "VPC"
    trace_names = ["deleteVpc",
  operations {
    resource_type = "evs"
    service_type  = "EVS"
    trace_names = ["createVolume",
  notify_user_list {
    user_group = "user_group"
    user_list  = ["user_one", "user_two"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • notification_name - (Required) The name of event notification rule. Only letters, digits and underscores (_) are allowed.

  • operation_type - (Required) The operation type of event rules.

    Possible values:

    • complete - Any operation will trigger notification.

    • customized - Only selected operations will trigger notification.

  • topic_id - (Optional) Specifies SMN topic URN that will be used for events notification.

  • status - (Optional) Specifies whether SMN topic is enabled or disabled.

  • operations - (Optional) Specifies which operations are enabled in event notification rule. Can be only specified when operation_type is set to customized. Supported fields:

    • service_type - (Required) Specifies the cloud service. Every service should be provided separately, the value must be the acronym of a cloud service that has been connected with CTS.

    • resource_type - (Required) Specifies the resource type of custom operation.

    • trace_names - (Required) Specifies the list with trace names of custom operation.

  • notify_user_list - (Optional) Specifies the list of users whose operations will trigger notifications. Currently, up to 50 users in 10 user groups can be configured. Supported fields:

    • user_group - (Required) Specifies the IAM user group.

    • user_list - (Required) Specifies the list with IAM users which belong to user_group.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • notification_id - Unique event notification id.

  • notification_type - Specifies the notification type. Current cts version supports only smn type.

  • project_id - Specifies project id of event notification rule.

  • create_time - Specifies creation time of event notification rule.


CTS event notification can be imported using the notification_id/notification_name, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_cts_event_notification_v3.notification c1881895-cdcb-4d23-96cb-032e6a3ee667/test_event