Up-to-date reference of API arguments for IAM provider you can get at documentation portal


-> You must have security admin privileges in your OpenTelekomCloud cloud to use this resource. Please refer to User Management Model.

Example Usage

Create a SAML protocol provider

resource "opentelekomcloud_identity_provider" "provider_1" {
  name     = "example_com_provider_saml"
  protocol = "saml"
  mapping_rules = jsonencode(
        "local" : [
            "user" : {
              "name" : "samltestid"
        "remote" : [
            "type" : "uid"

Create a OpenID Connect protocol provider

resource "opentelekomcloud_identity_provider" "provider_2" {
  name     = "example_com_provider_oidc"
  protocol = "oidc"

  access_config {
    access_type            = "program_console"
    provider_url           = "https://accounts.example.com"
    client_id              = "your_client_id"
    authorization_endpoint = "https://accounts.example.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
    scopes                 = ["openid"]
    signing_key = jsonencode(
        keys = [
            alg = "RS256"
            e   = "AQAB"
            kid = "..."
            kty = "RSA"
            n   = "..."
            use = "sig"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Specifies the name of the identity provider to be registered. The maximum length is 64 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed. The name is unique, it is recommended to include domain name information. Changing this creates a new resource.

  • protocol - (Required) Specifies the protocol of the identity provider. Valid values are saml and oidc.

  • status - (Optional) Enabled status for the identity provider. Default: true.

  • description - (Optional) Specifies the description of the identity provider.

  • mapping_rules - (Optional) Rules used to map federated users to local users. Details on mapping_rules are available in this link under rules section.

  • metadata - (Optional) Specifies the metadata of the IDP(Identity Provider) server. This field is used to import a metadata file to IAM to implement federated identity authentication. This field is required only if the protocol is set to saml. The maximum length is 30,000 characters and it stores in the state with SHA1 algorithm.

-> NOTE: The metadata file specifies API addresses and certificate information in compliance with the SAML 2.0 standard. It is usually stored in a file. In the TF script, you can import the metafile through the file function, for example:
metadata = file("/usr/local/data/files/metadata.txt")

  • access_config - (Optional, List) Specifies the description of the identity provider. This field is required only if the protocol is set to oidc.

The access_config block supports:

  • access_type - (Required) Specifies the access type of the identity provider. Available options are:

    • program: programmatic access only.

    • program_console: programmatic access and management console access.

  • provider_url - (Required) Specifies the URL of the identity provider. This field corresponds to the iss field in the ID token.

  • client_id - (Required) Specifies the ID of a client registered with the OpenID Connect identity provider.

  • signing_key - (Required) Public key used to sign the ID token of the OpenID Connect identity provider. This field is required only if the protocol is set to oidc.

  • authorization_endpoint - (Optional) Specifies the authorization endpoint of the OpenID Connect identity provider. This field is required only if the access type is set to program_console.

  • scopes - (Optional) Specifies the scopes of authorization requests. It is an array of one or more scopes. Valid values are openid, email, profile and other values defined by you. This field is required only if the access type is set to program_console.

-> NOTE: 1. openid must be specified for this field.
2. A maximum of 10 values can be specified, and they must be separated with spaces.
Example: openid email host.

  • response_type - (Optional) Response type. Valid values is id_token, default value is id_token. This field is required only if the access type is set to program_console.

  • response_mode - (Optional) Response mode. Valid values is form_post and fragment, default value is form_post. This field is required only if the access type is set to program_console.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - A resource ID in UUID format.

  • login_link - The login link of the identity provider.

  • links - Resource links of an identity mapping.

  • conversion_rules - The identity conversion rules of the identity provider. The structure is documented below.

The conversion_rules block supports:

  • local - The federated user information on the cloud platform.

  • remote - The description of the identity provider.

The local block supports:

  • username - The name of a federated user on the cloud platform.

  • group - The user group to which the federated user belongs on the cloud platform.

  • groups - The user groups to which the federated user belongs on the cloud platform.

The remote block supports:

  • attribute - The attribute in the IDP assertion.

  • condition - The condition of conversion rule.

  • value - The rule is matched only if the specified strings appear in the attribute type.


Identity provider can be imported using the name, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_identity_provider.provider_1 example_provider_saml