
Provides a S3 bucket object resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Uploading a file to a bucket

resource "opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket_object" "object" {
  bucket = "your_bucket_name"
  key    = "new_object_key"
  source = "path/to/file"
  etag   = md5(file("path/to/file"))

resource "opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket" "examplebucket" {
  bucket = "examplebuckettftest"
  acl    = "private"

resource "opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket_object" "examplebucket_object" {
  key    = "someobject"
  bucket = opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket.examplebucket.bucket
  source = "index.html"

Server Side Encryption with S3 Default Master Key

resource "opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket" "examplebucket" {
  bucket = "examplebuckettftest"
  acl    = "private"

resource "opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket_object" "examplebucket_object" {
  key                    = "someobject"
  bucket                 = opentelekomcloud_s3_bucket.examplebucket.bucket
  source                 = "index.html"
  server_side_encryption = "aws:kms"

Argument Reference

-> Note: If you specify content_encoding you are responsible for encoding the body appropriately (i.e. source and content both expect already encoded/compressed bytes)

The following arguments are supported:

  • bucket - (Required) The name of the bucket to put the file in.

  • key - (Required) The name of the object once it is in the bucket.

  • source - (Required) The path to the source file being uploaded to the bucket.

  • content - (Required unless source given) The literal content being uploaded to the bucket.

  • acl - (Optional) The canned ACL to apply. Defaults to "private".

  • cache_control - (Optional) Specifies caching behavior along the request/reply chain. Read w3c cache_control for further details.

  • content_disposition - (Optional) Specifies presentational information for the object. Read wc3 content_disposition for further information.

  • content_encoding - (Optional) Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field. Read w3c content encoding for further information.

  • content_language - (Optional) The language the content is in e.g. en-US or en-GB.

  • content_type - (Optional) A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data, e.g. application/octet-stream. All Valid MIME Types are valid for this input.

  • website_redirect - (Optional) Specifies a target URL for website redirect.

  • etag - (Optional) Used to trigger updates. The only meaningful value is ${md5(file("path/to/file"))}. This attribute is not compatible with kms_key_id.

  • server_side_encryption - (Optional) Specifies server-side encryption of the object in S3. Valid values are "AES256" and "aws:kms".

Either source or content must be provided to specify the bucket content. These two arguments are mutually-exclusive.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported

  • id - the key of the resource supplied above

  • etag - the ETag generated for the object (an MD5 sum of the object content).

  • version_id - A unique version ID value for the object, if bucket versioning is enabled.