Up-to-date reference of API arguments for SDRS protected instance you can get at documentation portal


Manages a SDRS protected instance resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_sdrs_protectiongroup_v1" "group_1" {
  name = "group_1"

  source_availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  target_availability_zone = "eu-de-02"

  domain_id     = var.domain_id
  source_vpc_id = var.vpc_id
  dr_type       = "migration"

resource "opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1" "instance_1" {
  name     = "server_1"
  image_id = var.image_id
  flavor   = var.flavor
  vpc_id   = var.vpc_id

  nics {
    network_id = var.network_id

  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"

resource "opentelekomcloud_sdrs_protected_instance_v1" "instance_1" {
  name                 = "instance_create"
  description          = "some interesting description"
  group_id             = opentelekomcloud_sdrs_protectiongroup_v1.group_1.id
  server_id            = opentelekomcloud_ecs_instance_v1.instance_1.id
  delete_target_server = true

  tags = {
    muh = "value-create"
    kuh = "value-create"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of a protected instance.

  • description - (Optional) The description of a protected instance. Changing this creates a new instance. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • group_id - (Required) Specifies the ID of the protection group where a protected instance is added. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • server_id - (Required) Specifies the ID of the protected ECS instance. Changing this will create a new resource.

-> When the API is successfully invoked, the disaster recovery instance will be automatically created.

  • subnet_id - (Optional) Specifies the network ID of the subnet. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • ip_address - (Optional) Specifies the IP address of the primary NIC on the DR site server. This parameter is valid only when subnet_id is specified. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • delete_target_server - (Optional) Specifies whether to delete the DR site server. The default value is false.

  • delete_target_eip - (Optional) Specifies whether to delete the EIP of the DR site server. The default value is false.

  • tags - (Optional) Tags key/value pairs to associate with the instance.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the protected instance.

  • priority_station - Specifies the current production site AZ of the protection group containing the protected instance.

    • source: indicates that the current production site AZ is the source_availability_zone value.

    • target: indicates that the current production site AZ is the target_availability_zone value.

  • target_id - Specifies the DR site server ID.

  • created_at - Specifies the time when a protected instance was created.

  • updated_at - Specifies the time when a protected instance was updated.


Protected instances can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_sdrs_protected_instance_v1.instance_1 7117d38e-4c8f-4624-a505-bd96b97d024c