Up-to-date reference of API arguments for WAF dedicated instance you can get at documentation portal.


Manages a WAF dedicated instance resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

-> Note: For this resource region must be set in environment variable OS_REGION_NAME or in clouds.yaml

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_vpc_subnet_v1" "shared_subnet" {
  name = "my_subnet"

data "opentelekomcloud_networking_secgroup_v2" "default_secgroup" {
  name = "default"

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_instance_v1" "wafd_1" {
  name              = "wafd-instance-1"
  availability_zone = "eu-de-01"
  specification     = "waf.instance.professional"
  flavor            = "s2.large.2"
  architecture      = "x86"
  vpc_id            = data.opentelekomcloud_vpc_subnet_v1.shared_subnet.vpc_id
  subnet_id         = data.opentelekomcloud_vpc_subnet_v1.shared_subnet.network_id

  security_group = [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional, ForceNew) Region where a dedicated engine is to be created. If omitted, the provider-level region will be used. Changing this setting will create a new instance.

  • name - (Required, String) The name of WAF dedicated instance. Duplicate names are allowed, we suggest to keeping the name unique.

  • availability_zone - (Required, ForceNew) AZ where the dedicated engine is to be created. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • specification - (Required, ForceNew) Specifications of the dedicated engine version. Values are:

    • waf.instance.professional - The professional edition, throughput: 100 Mbit/s; QPS: 2,000 (Reference only).

    • waf.instance.enterprise - The enterprise edition, throughput: 500 Mbit/s; QPS: 10,000 (Reference only).

  • flavor - (Required, ForceNew) ID of the specifications of the ECS hosting the dedicated engine. You can go to the management console and confirm supported specifications. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • vpc_id - (Required, ForceNew) ID of the VPC where the dedicated engine is located. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • subnet_id - (Required, ForceNew) ID of the VPC subnet where the dedicated engine is located. Subnet_id has the same value as network_id obtained by calling the OpenStack APIs. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • security_group - (Required, ForceNew) ID of the security group where the dedicated engine is located. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • architecture - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Dedicated engine CPU architecture. Default value is x86. Changing this will create a new instance.

  • res_tenant - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Whether the dedicated WAF instance is network interface type. Default value is true. Changing this will create a new instance. -> Note: This type of instance is not available in eu-ch2 region, must set res_tenant value to false there.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The id of the instance.

  • server_id - The id of the instance server.

  • service_ip - The ip of the instance service.

  • status - Running status of the dedicated engine. The value can be:

    • 0 - Instance is creating.

    • 1 - Instance has created.

    • 2 - Instance is deleting.

    • 3 - Instance has deleted.

    • 4 - Instance create failed.

    • 5 - Instance is frozen.

    • 6 - Instance in abnormal state.

    • 7 - Instance in updating.

    • 8 - Instance update failed.

  • access_status - The access status of the instance.

    • 0: inaccessible

    • 1: accessible.

  • billing_status - Billing status of dedicated WAF engine. The value can be 0, 1, or 2.

    • 0: The billing is normal.

    • 1: The billing account is frozen. Resources and data will be retained, but the cloud services cannot be used by the account.

    • 2: The billing is terminated. Resources and data will be cleared.

  • upgradable - The instance is to support upgrades. false: Cannot be upgraded, true: Can be upgraded.

  • created_at - Timestamp when the dedicated WAF engine was created.


This resource provides the following timeouts configuration options:

  • create - Default is 30 minute.

  • delete - Default is 20 minute.


WAF dedicated instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_instance_v1.wafd <id>
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [