Up-to-date reference of API arguments for EVPN connection you can get at documentation portal


Manages a VPN connection resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {}
variable "peer_subnet" {}
variable "gateway_id" {}
variable "gateway_ip" {}
variable "customer_gateway_id" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_enterprise_vpn_connection_v5" "conn" {
  name                = var.name
  gateway_id          = var.gateway_id
  gateway_ip          = var.gateway_ip
  customer_gateway_id = var.customer_gateway_id
  peer_subnets        = [var.peer_subnet]
  vpn_type            = "static"
  psk                 = "Test@123"

VPN connection with policy

variable "name" {}
variable "peer_subnet" {}
variable "gateway_id" {}
variable "gateway_ip" {}
variable "customer_gateway_id" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_enterprise_vpn_connection_v5" "policy" {
  name                = var.name
  gateway_id          = var.gateway_id
  gateway_ip          = var.gateway_ip
  customer_gateway_id = var.customer_gateway_id
  peer_subnets        = [var.peer_subnet]
  vpn_type            = "static"
  psk                 = "Test@123"

  ikepolicy {
    authentication_algorithm = "sha2-256"
    authentication_method    = "pre-share"
    encryption_algorithm     = "aes-128"
    ike_version              = "v2"
    lifetime_seconds         = 86400

  ipsecpolicy {
    authentication_algorithm = "sha2-256"
    encapsulation_mode       = "tunnel"
    encryption_algorithm     = "aes-128"
    lifetime_seconds         = 3600
    pfs                      = "group14"
    transform_protocol       = "esp"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required, String) The name of the VPN connection.

  • gateway_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) The VPN gateway ID.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • gateway_ip - (Required, String, ForceNew) The VPN gateway IP ID.

    • When network_type of the VPN gateway is set to public, set this parameter to the EIP IDs of the VPN gateway.

    • When network_type of the VPN gateway is set to private, set this parameter to the private IP addresses of the VPN gateway.

      Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • vpn_type - (Required, String, ForceNew) The connection type. The value can be policy, static or bgp.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

  • customer_gateway_id - (Required, String) The customer gateway ID.

  • psk - (Required, String) The pre-shared key.

  • peer_subnets - (Optional, List) The CIDR list of customer subnets. This parameter must be empty when the attachment_type of the VPN gateway is set to er and vpn_type is set to policy or bgp. This parameter is mandatory in other scenarios.

  • tunnel_local_address - (Optional, String) The local tunnel address.

  • tunnel_peer_address - (Optional, String) The peer tunnel address.

  • enable_nqa - (Optional, Bool) Whether to enable NQA check. Defaults to false.

  • ikepolicy - (Optional, List) The IKE policy configurations. The ikepolicy structure is documented below.

  • ipsecpolicy - (Optional, List) The IPsec policy configurations. The ipsecpolicy structure is documented below.

  • policy_rules - (Optional, List) The policy rules. Only works when vpn_type is set to policy The policy_rules structure is documented below.

  • tags - (Optional, Map) Specifies the tags of the VPN connection.

  • ha_role - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the mode of the VPN connection. The valid values are master and slave, defaults to master. This parameter is optional when you create a connection for a VPN gateway in active-active mode. When you create a connection for a VPN gateway in active-standby mode, master indicates the active connection, and slave indicates the standby connection. In active-active mode, this field must be set to master for the connection established using the active EIP or active private IP address of the VPN gateway, and must be set to slave for the connection established using active EIP 2 or active private IP address 2 of the VPN gateway.

    Changing this parameter will create a new resource.

The ikepolicy block supports:

  • authentication_algorithm - (Optional, String) The authentication algorithm. The value can be sha1, md5, sha2-256, sha2-384, sha2-512. Defaults to sha2-256. sha1 and md5 are less secure, please use them with caution.

  • encryption_algorithm - (Optional, String) The encryption algorithm. The value can be 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-gcm-16, aes-256-gcm-16, aes-128-gcm-128, aes-256-gcm-128. Defaults to aes-128. 3des is less secure, please use it with caution.

  • ike_version - (Optional, String) The IKE negotiation version. The value can be v1 and v2. Defaults to v2.

  • lifetime_seconds - (Optional, Int) The life cycle of SA in seconds. The value ranges from 60 to 604,800. Defaults to 86,400. When the life cycle expires, IKE SA will be automatically updated.

  • local_id_type - (Optional, String) The local ID type. The value can be ip or fqdn. Defaults to ip.

  • local_id - (Optional, String) The local ID.

  • peer_id_type - (Optional, String) The peer ID type. The value can be ip, fqdn. Defaults to ip.

  • peer_id - (Optional, String) The peer ID.

  • phase_one_negotiation_mode - (Optional, String) The negotiation mode, only works when the ike_version is v1. The value can be main or aggressive. Defaults to main.

  • authentication_method - (Optional, String, ForceNew) The authentication method during IKE negotiation. The value can be pre-share. Defaults to pre-share.

  • dh_group - (Optional, String) Specifies the DH group used for key exchange in phase 1. The value can be group1, group2, group5, group14, group15, group16, group19, group20, or group21. Exercise caution when using group1, group2, group5, or group14 as they have low security. Defaults to group15.

  • dpd - (Optional, List) Specifies the dead peer detection (DPD) object. The dpd structure is documented below.

The dpd block supports:

  • timeout - (Optional, Int) Specifies the interval for retransmitting DPD packets. The value ranges from 2 to 60, in seconds. Defaults to 15.

  • interval - (Optional, Int) Specifies the DPD idle timeout period. The value ranges from 10 to 3,600, in seconds. Defaults to 30.

  • msg - (Optional, String) Specifies the format of DPD packets. The value can be:

    • seq-hash-notify: indicates that the payload of DPD packets is in the sequence of hash-notify;

    • seq-notify-hash: indicates that the payload of DPD packets is in the sequence of notify-hash;

    Defaults to seq-hash-notify.

The ipsecpolicy block supports:

  • authentication_algorithm - (Optional, String) The authentication algorithm. The value can be sha1, md5, sha2-256, sha2-384, sha2-512. Defaults to sha2-256. sha1 and md5 are less secure, please use them with caution.

  • encryption_algorithm - (Optional, String) The encryption algorithm. The value can be 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-gcm-16, aes-256-gcm-16, aes-128-gcm-128, aes-256-gcm-128. Defaults to aes-128. `3des** is less secure, please use it with caution.

  • pfs - (Optional, String) The DH key group used by PFS. The value can be group1, group2, group5, group14 group16, group19, group20, group21. Defaults to group14.

  • lifetime_seconds - (Optional, Int) The lifecycle time of Ipsec tunnel in seconds. The value ranges from 60 to 604,800. Defaults to 3600.

  • transform_protocol - (Optional, String) The transform protocol. Only esp supported for now. Defaults to esp.

  • encapsulation_mode - (Optional, String) The encapsulation mode, only tunnel supported for now. Defaults to tunnel.

The policy_rules block supports:

  • rule_index - (Optional, Int) The rule index.

  • destination - (Optional, List) The list of destination CIDRs.

  • source - (Optional, String) The source CIDR.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID.

  • status - The status of the VPN connection.

  • created_at - The create time.

  • updated_at - The update time.

  • region - Specifies the region in which resource is created.


This resource provides the following timeouts configuration options:

  • create - Default is 10 minutes.

  • update - Default is 10 minutes.

  • delete - Default is 10 minutes.


The connection can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_enterprise_vpn_connection_v5.conn <id>