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Manages a V2 DNAT rule resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "nat_gw_id" {}
variable "floating_ip_id" {}
variable "private_ip" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_nat_dnat_rule_v2" "dnat_1" {
  floating_ip_id        = var.floating_ip_id
  nat_gateway_id        = var.nat_gw_id
  private_ip            = var.private_id
  internal_service_port = 993
  protocol              = "tcp"
  external_service_port = 242

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • floating_ip_id - (Required) Specifies the ID of the floating IP address. Changing this creates a new resource.

  • internal_service_port - (Required) Specifies port used by ECSs or BMSs to provide services for external systems. Changing this creates a new resource.

  • nat_gateway_id - (Required) ID of the NAT gateway this DNAT rule belongs to. Changing this creates a new DNAT rule.

-> You can create a DNAT rule only when status of the NAT gateway is set to ACTIVE and admin_state_up of the NAT gateway administrator to True.

  • port_id - (Optional) Specifies the port ID of an ECS or a BMS. This parameter and private_ip are alternative. Changing this creates a new DNAT rule.

-> When the DNAT rule is used in the VPC scenario, use port_id parameter.

  • private_ip - (Optional) Specifies the private IP address of a user, for example, the IP address of a VPC for dedicated connection. This parameter and port_id are alternative. Changing this creates a new DNAT rule.

-> When the DNAT rule is used in the Direct Connect scenario, use private_ip parameter.

  • protocol - (Required) Specifies the protocol type. Currently, tcp, udp, and any are supported. Changing this creates a new DNAT rule.

-> If you create a rule that applies to all port types, set internal_service_port to 0, external_service_port to 0, and protocol to any.

  • external_service_port - (Required) Specifies port used by ECSs or BMSs to provide services for external systems. Changing this creates a new DNAT rule.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

  • created_at - DNAT rule creation time.

  • status - DNAT rule status.

  • floating_ip_address - The actual floating IP address.


DNAT can be imported using the following format:

terraform import opentelekomcloud_nat_dnat_rule_v2.dnat_1 f4f783a7-b908-4215-b018-724960e5df4a