Up-to-date reference of API arguments for API Gateway Api publishment you can get at documentation portal


Using this resource to publish an API to the environment or manage a historical publishing version within OpenTelekomCloud.

~> If you republish on the same environment or switch versions through other ways (such as console) after the API is published through terraform, the current resource attributes will be affected, resulting in data inconsistency.

Example Usage

Publish a new version of the API

variable "gateway_id" {}
variable "environment_id" {}
variable "api_id" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_apigw_api_publishment_v2" "default" {
  gateway_id     = var.gateway_id
  environment_id = var.environment_id
  api_id         = var.api_id

Switch to a specified version of the API which is published

variable "gateway_id" {}
variable "environment_id" {}
variable "api_id" {}
variable "version_id" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_apigw_api_publishment_v2" "default" {
  gateway_id     = var.gateway_id
  environment_id = var.environment_id
  api_id         = var.api_id
  version_id     = var.version_id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies an ID of the APIGW dedicated instance to which the API belongs to. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • environment_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies the ID of the environment to which the current version of the API will be published or has been published. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • api_id - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies the ID of the API to be published or already published. Changing this will create a new resource.

  • description - (Optional, String) Specifies the description of the current publish.

  • version_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the version ID of the current publish.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID, which is constructed from the instance ID, environment ID, and API ID, separated by slashes.

  • environment_name - The name of the environment to which the current version of the API is published.

  • published_at - Time when the current version was published.

  • publish_id - The publishing ID of the API in current environment.

  • history - All publish history of the API. The object structure is documented below.

  • region - The region in which to APIs was published.

The history block supports:

  • version_id - The version ID of the API publish.

  • description - The version description of the API publish.


The publishment can be imported using related instance_id, environment_id and api_id, separated by slashes, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_apigw_api_publishment_v2.pub <instance_id>/<environment_id>/<api_id>