Up-to-date reference of API arguments for OBS bucket inventory you can get at documentation portal


Configures OBS bucket inventory resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

resource "opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = "my-tf-test-bucket"

resource "opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket_inventory" "inventory" {
  bucket           = opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket.bucket.bucket
  configuration_id = "test-id"
  is_enabled       = true
  frequency        = "Weekly"
  destination {
    bucket = opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket.bucket.bucket
    format = "CSV"
    prefix = "test-"
  filter_prefix            = "test-filter-prefix"
  included_object_versions = "Current"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bucket - (Required, ForceNew, String) Name of the bucket for saving inventories.

  • configuration_id - (Required, ForceNew, String) ID of the inventory configuration. Valid characters: letters, digits, hyphens (-), periods (.) and underscores (_).

  • is_enabled - (Required, Bool) Indicates whether the rule is enabled. If this parameter is set to true, the inventory is generated.

  • frequency - (Required, String) Intervals when inventories are generated. An inventory is generated within one hour after it is configured for the first time. Then it is generated at the specified intervals. Possible values:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

  • destination - (Required, List) Destination bucket settings of an inventory. The structure is documented below.

  • included_object_versions - (Required, String) Indicates whether versions of objects are included in an inventory. Possible values:

    • All

    • Current

  • filter_prefix - (Optional, String) Filtering by name prefix. Only objects with the specified name prefix are included in the inventory.

The destination block supports:

  • format - (Required, String) Inventory format. Only the CSV format is supported.

  • bucket - (Required, String) Name of the bucket for saving inventories.

  • prefix - (Optional, String) The name prefix of inventory files. If no prefix is configured, the names of inventory files will start with the BucketInventory by default.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported

  • region - Specifies the bucket region.


Inventories can be imported using related bucket and their configuration_id separated by the slashes, e.g.

$ terraform import opentelekomcloud_obs_bucket_inventory.inv <bucket>/<configuration_id>