
Manages a BMS Server resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Basic Instance

variable "image_id" {}
variable "flavor_id" {}
variable "keypair_name" {}
variable "network_id" {}
variable "availability_zone" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_bms_server_v2" "basic" {
  name              = "basic"
  image_id          = var.image_id
  flavor_id         = var.flavor_id
  key_pair          = var.keypair_name
  security_groups   = ["default"]
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  metadata = {
    this = "that"

  network {
    uuid = var.network_id

Instance Boot From Volume Image

variable "flavor_id" {}
variable "keypair_name" {}
variable "network_id" {}
variable "availability_zone" {}

resource "opentelekomcloud_compute_bms_server_v2" "basic" {
  name              = "basic"
  flavor_id         = var.flavor_id
  key_pair          = var.keypair_name
  security_groups   = ["default"]
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  metadata = {
    this = "that"

  network {
    uuid = var.network_id

  block_device {
    uuid                  = var.image_id
    source_type           = "image"
    volume_type           = "SATA"
    volume_size           = 100
    boot_index            = 0
    destination_type      = "volume"
    delete_on_termination = true
    device_name           = "/dev/sda"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the BMS.

  • image_id - (Optional; Required if image_name is empty.) Changing this creates a new bms server.

  • image_name - (Optional; Required if image_id is empty.) The name of the desired image for the bms server. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • flavor_id - (Optional; Required if flavor_name is empty) The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the BMS server. Changing this resizes the existing BMS server.

  • flavor_name - (Optional; Required if flavor_id is empty) The name of the desired flavor for the BMS server. Changing this resizes the existing BMS server.

  • user_data - (Optional) The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • security_groups - (Optional) An array of one or more security group names to associate with the BMS server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing BMS server.

  • availability_zone - (Required) The availability zone in which to create the BMS server.

  • network - (Optional) An array of one or more networks to attach to the BMS instance. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • metadata - (Optional) Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing BMS server metadata.

  • admin_pass - (Optional) The administrative password to assign to the BMS server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.

  • key_pair - (Optional) The name of a key pair to put on the BMS server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • stop_before_destroy - (Optional) Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.

  • tags - (Optional) Tags key/value pairs to associate with the instance.

The network block supports:

  • uuid - (Required unless port or name is provided) The network UUID to attach to the BMS server. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • name - (Required unless uuid or port is provided) The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • port - (Required unless uuid or name is provided) The port UUID of a network to attach to the BMS server. Changing this creates a new server.

  • fixed_ip_v4 - (Optional) Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • fixed_ip_v6 - (Optional) Specifies a fixed IPv6 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new BMS server.

  • access_network - (Optional) Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The id of the BMS server.

  • config_drive - Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance.

  • kernel_id - The UUID of the kernel image when the AMI image is used.

  • user_id - The ID of the user to which the BMS belongs.

  • host_status - The nova-compute status: UP, UNKNOWN, DOWN, MAINTENANCE and Null.