Up-to-date reference of API arguments for WAF dedicated Global Protection Whitelist (formerly False Alarm Masking) rule you can get at documentation portal.


Manages a WAF Dedicated Global Protection Whitelist (formerly False Alarm Masking) Rule resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Basic example

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_policy_v1" "policy_1" {
  name = "policy_am"

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_alarm_masking_rule_v1" "rule_1" {
  policy_id   = opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_policy_v1.policy_1.id
  domains     = ["www.example.com"]
  rule        = "xss"
  description = "description"

  conditions {
    category        = "url"
    contents        = ["/login"]
    logic_operation = "equal"

Advanced settings with empty contents

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_policy_v1" "policy_1" {
  name = "policy_am"

resource "opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_alarm_masking_rule_v1" "rule_1" {
  policy_id   = opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_policy_v1.policy_1.id
  domains     = ["www.example.com"]
  rule        = "all"
  description = "description"

  conditions {
    category        = "url"
    contents        = ["/login"]
    logic_operation = "equal"
  advanced_settings {
    index = "cookie"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • policy_id - (Required, ForceNew, String) The WAF policy ID. Changing this creates a new rule.

  • domains - (Required, ForceNew, List) Domain names to be protected. Changing this creates a new rule.

  • conditions - (Optional, ForceNew, List) Condition list. Changing this creates a new rule. The conditions block supports:

    • category - (Required, ForceNew, String) Field type. The value can be url, ip, params, cookie, or header.

    • logic_operation - (Required, ForceNew, String) The matching logic varies depending on the field type.

      • if the field type is ip, the logic can be equal or not_equal.

      • If the field type is url, params, cookie, or header, the logic can be equal, not_equal, contain, not_contain, prefix, not_prefix, suffix, not_suffix.

    • contents - (Optional, ForceNew, List) Content. The array length is limited to 1. The content format varies depending on the field type.

      • For example, if the field type is ip, the value must be an IP address or IP address range.

      • If the field type is url, the value must be in the standard URL format.

      • IF the field type is params, cookie, or header, the content format is not limited.

    • index - (Optional, ForceNew, String) Subfield. When category is set to params, cookie, or header, set this parameter based on site requirements. This parameter is mandatory.

  • advanced_settings - (Optional, ForceNew, List) To ignore attacks of a specific field, specify the field in the Advanced settings area. After you add the rule, WAF will stop blocking attacks of the specified field. This parameter is not included if all modules are bypassed. Changing this creates a new rule. The advanced_settings block supports:

    • contents - (Optional, ForceNew, List) Subfield of the specified field type. The default value is all.

    • index - (Optional, ForceNew, String) Field type. The following field types are supported: Params, Cookie, Header, Body, and Multipart. When you select Params, Cookie, or Header, you can set this parameter to all or configure subfields as required.

  • rule - (Required, ForceNew, String) Items to be masked. Changing this creates a new rule. You can provide multiple items and separate them with semicolons (;).

    • If you want to disable a specific built-in rule for a domain name, the value of this parameter is the rule ID. When requests are blocked against a certain built-in rule while you do not want this rule to block requests later, you can query the rule in the Events page on the console and find its rule ID in the Hit Rule column. Then, you can disk the rule by its ID (including 6 digits).

    • If you want to mask a type of basic web protection rules, set this parameter to the name of the type of basic web protection rules.

      • xss: XSS attacks

      • webshell: Web shells

      • vuln: Other types of attacks

      • sqli: SQL injection attack

      • robot: Malicious crawlers

      • rfi: Remote file inclusion

      • lfi: Local file inclusion

      • cmdi: Command injection attack

    • To bypass the basic web protection, set this parameter to all.

    • To bypass all WAF protection, set this parameter to bypass.

  • description - (Optional, ForceNew, String) Rule description. Changing this creates a new rule.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the rule.

  • status - Rule status. The value can be:

    • 0: The rule is disabled.

    • 1: The rule is enabled.

  • created_at - Timestamp the rule is created.


Dedicated WAF Web Global Protection Whitelist (formerly False Alarm Masking) rules can be imported using policy_id/id, e.g.

terraform import opentelekomcloud_waf_dedicated_alarm_masking_rule_v1.rule_1 ff95e71c8ae74eba9887193ab22c5757/b39f3a5a1b4f447a8030f0b0703f47f5