Up-to-date reference of API arguments for EVPN connection you can get at documentation portal


Get details about a specific VPN connection resource within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "id" {}

data "opentelekomcloud_enterprise_vpn_connection_v5" "conn" {
  id = var.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • id - (Required, String) Specifies the unique ID of the Enterprise VPN Connection.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • name - The name of the VPN connection.

  • gateway_id - The VPN gateway ID.

  • gateway_ip - The VPN gateway IP ID.

  • vpn_type - The connection type.

  • customer_gateway_id - The customer gateway ID.

  • peer_subnets - The CIDR list of customer subnets.

  • tunnel_local_address - The local tunnel address.

  • tunnel_peer_address - The peer tunnel address.

  • enable_nqa - Whether to enable NQA check.

  • ikepolicy - The IKE policy configurations. The ikepolicy structure is documented below.

  • ipsecpolicy - The IPsec policy configurations. The ipsecpolicy structure is documented below.

  • policy_rules - The policy rules. The policy_rules structure is documented below.

  • tags - Specifies the tags of the VPN connection.

  • ha_role - Specifies the mode of the VPN connection.

  • status - The status of the VPN connection.

  • created_at - The create time.

  • updated_at - The update time.

  • region - Specifies the region in which resource is created.

The ikepolicy block supports:

  • authentication_algorithm - The authentication algorithm.

  • encryption_algorithm - The encryption algorithm.

  • ike_version - The IKE negotiation version.

  • lifetime_seconds - The life cycle of SA in seconds.

  • local_id_type - The local ID type.

  • local_id - The local ID.

  • peer_id_type - The peer ID type.

  • peer_id - The peer ID.

  • phase_one_negotiation_mode - The negotiation mode.

  • authentication_method - The authentication method during IKE negotiation.

  • dh_group - Specifies the DH group used for key exchange in phase 1.

  • dpd - Specifies the dead peer detection (DPD) object. The dpd structure is documented below.

The dpd block supports:

  • timeout - Specifies the interval for retransmitting DPD packets.

  • interval - Specifies the DPD idle timeout period.

  • msg - Specifies the format of DPD packets.

The ipsecpolicy block supports:

  • authentication_algorithm - The authentication algorithm.

  • encryption_algorithm - The encryption algorithm.

  • pfs - The DH key group used by PFS.

  • lifetime_seconds - The lifecycle time of Ipsec tunnel in seconds.

  • transform_protocol - The transform protocol.

  • encapsulation_mode - The encapsulation mode.

The policy_rules block supports:

  • rule_index - The rule index.

  • destination - The list of destination CIDRs.

  • source - The source CIDR.