Up-to-date reference of API arguments for CCE nodes you can get at documentation portal


Use this data source to get the specified node in a cluster from OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "cluster_id" {}
variable "node_id" {}

data "opentelekomcloud_cce_node_v3" "node" {
  cluster_id = var.cluster_id
  node_id    = var.node_id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_id - (Required) The id of container cluster.

  • name - (Optional) Name of the node.

  • node_id - (Optional) The id of the node.

  • status - (Optional) The state of the node.

Attributes Reference

All above argument parameters can be exported as attribute parameters along with attribute reference:

  • flavor_id - The flavor id to be used.

  • availability_zone - Available partitions where the node is located.

  • key_pair - Key pair name when logging in to select the key pair mode.

  • billing_mode - Node's billing mode: The value is 0 (on demand).

  • charge_mode - Bandwidth billing type.

  • bandwidth_size - Bandwidth (Mbit/s), in the range of [1, 2000].

  • disk_size - Root volume disk size in GB.

  • volume_type - Root volume disk type.

  • eip_ids - List of existing elastic IP IDs.

  • server_id - The node's virtual machine ID in ECS.

  • public_ip - Elastic IP parameters of the node.

  • private_ip - Private IP of the node

  • ip_type - Elastic IP address type.

  • share_type - The bandwidth sharing type.

  • data_volumes - Represents the data disks configuration.

    • size - Disk size in GB.

    • volumetype - Disk type.

    • extend_param - Disk expansion parameters.

    • kms_id - The Encryption KMS ID of the data volume.

  • runtime - The runtime of the node.