Up-to-date reference of API arguments for IAM projects you can get at documentation portal


Use this data source to get the list of all OpenTelekomCloud projects.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_identity_projects_v3" "all" {}

Argument Reference

Data resource lists all available project therefore no arguments are provided.

Attributes Reference

  • id - Indicates the domain of queried projects.

  • region - Indicates the region of queried projects.

  • projects - List of projects details. The object structure of each Project is documented below.

The projects block supports:

  • region - Indicates the region where the project is present.

  • name - Indicated the name of the project.

  • description - The description of the project.

  • domain_id - The domain this project belongs to.

  • project_id - The ID of the project.

  • parent_id - The parent of this project.

  • enabled - Describes whether the project is available

  • is_domain - Indicates whether the user calling the API is a tenant.