Up-to-date reference of API arguments for ECS instance you can get at documentation portal


Get information on an ECS instance.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_compute_instance_v2" "instance" {
  # Search ecs by name
  name = "server_1"

data "opentelekomcloud_compute_instance_v2" "instance" {
  # Randomly generated UUID, for demonstration purposes
  id = "2ba26dc6-a12d-4889-8f25-794ea5bf4453"

Argument Reference

  • id - (Required) The UUID of the instance

  • ssh_private_key_path - (Optional) The path to the private key to use for SSH access. Required only if you want to get the password from the windows instance.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the above, the following attributes are exported:

  • name - The name of the server.

  • description - Server description.

  • image_id - The image ID used to create the server.

  • image_name - The image name used to create the server.

  • flavor_id - The flavor ID used to create the server.

  • flavor_name - The flavor name used to create the server.

  • user_data - The user data added when the server was created.

  • security_groups - An array of security group names associated with this server.

  • availability_zone - The availability zone of this server.

  • network - An array of maps, detailed below.

  • access_ip_v4 - The first IPv4 address assigned to this server.

  • access_ip_v6 - The first IPv6 address assigned to this server.

  • key_pair - The name of the key pair assigned to this server.

  • tags - A set of string tags assigned to this server.

  • metadata - A set of key/value pairs made available to the server.

  • password - The password of the server. This is only available if the server is a Windows server. If privateKey != nil the password is decrypted with the private key.

  • encrypted_password - The encrypted password of the server. This is only available if the server is a Windows server. If privateKey == nil the encrypted password is returned and can be decrypted with: echo '' | base64 -D | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey <private_key>

The network block is defined as:

  • uuid - The UUID of the network

  • name - The name of the network

  • fixed_ip_v4 - The IPv4 address assigned to this network port.

  • fixed_ip_v6 - The IPv6 address assigned to this network port.

  • port - The port UUID for this network

  • mac - The MAC address assigned to this network interface.