Up-to-date reference of API arguments for CSBS backup policy you can get at documentation portal


Use this data source to get details about backup Policy resources from OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

variable "policy_id" {}

data "opentelekomcloud_csbs_backup_policy_v1" "csbs_policy" {
  id = var.policy_id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • id - (Optional) Specifies the ID of backup policy.

  • name - (Optional) Specifies the backup policy name.

  • status - (Optional) Specifies the backup policy status.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • description - Specifies the backup policy description.

  • provider_id - Provides the Backup provider ID.

  • parameters - Specifies the parameters of a backup policy.

The scheduled_operation block supports the following arguments:

  • name - Specifies Scheduling period name.

  • description - Specifies Scheduling period description.

  • enabled - Specifies whether the scheduling period is enabled.

  • max_backups - Specifies maximum number of backups that can be automatically created for a backup object.

  • retention_duration_days - Specifies duration of retaining a backup, in days.

  • permanent - Specifies whether backups are permanently retained.

  • trigger_pattern - Specifies Scheduling policy of the scheduler.

  • operation_type - Specifies Operation type, which can be backup.

  • id - Specifies Scheduling period ID.

  • trigger_id - Specifies Scheduler ID.

  • trigger_name - Specifies Scheduler name.

  • trigger_type - Specifies Scheduler type.

The resource block supports the following arguments:

  • id - Specifies the ID of the object to be backed up.

  • type - Entity object type of the backup object.

  • name - Specifies backup object name.

The tags block supports the following arguments:

  • key - Tag key. It cannot be an empty string.

  • value - Tag value. It can be an empty string.