Up-to-date reference of API arguments for ECS instances you can get at documentation portal


Get information on an ECS instances.

Example Usage

variable "name_regex" {}

data "opentelekomcloud_compute_instances_v2" "test" {
  name = var.name_regex
data "opentelekomcloud_compute_instances_v2" "test" {
  status = "ACTIVE"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional, String) Specifies the instance name, which can be queried with a regular expression. The instance name supports fuzzy matching query too.

  • instance_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the ECS ID.

  • flavor_name - (Optional, String) Specifies the flavor name of the instance.

  • status - (Optional, String) Specifies the status of the instance. The valid values are as follows:

    • ACTIVE: The instance is running properly.

    • SHUTOFF: The instance has been properly stopped.

    • ERROR: An error has occurred on the instance.

  • image_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the image ID of the instance.

  • flavor_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the flavor ID.

  • key_pair - (Optional, String) Specifies the key pair that is used to authenticate the instance.

  • project_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the project where instance hosted.

  • limit - (Optional, Integer) Specifies the number of instances to be queried. The value is an integer and is 100 by default.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The data source ID.

  • description - Server description.

  • instances - List of ECS instance details. The object structure of each ECS instance is documented below.

The instances block supports:

  • id - The instance ID in UUID format.

  • name - The instance name.

  • image_id - The image ID used to create the server.

  • image_name - The image name used to create the server.

  • flavor_id - The flavor ID used to create the server.

  • status - The instance status.

  • key_pair - The key pair that is used to authenticate the instance.

  • security_groups_ids - An array of one or more security group Ids to associate with the instance.

  • availability_zone - The availability zone of this server.

  • project_id - The instance project ID.

  • network - An array of maps, detailed below.

The network block is defined as:

  • uuid - The UUID of the network

  • name - The name of the network

  • fixed_ip_v4 - The IPv4 address assigned to this network port. Not supported.

  • fixed_ip_v6 - The IPv6 address assigned to this network port. Not supported.

  • port - The port UUID for this network

  • mac - The MAC address assigned to this network interface.