Up-to-date reference of API arguments for Network port you can get at documentation portal


Use this data source to get the ID of an available OpenTelekomCloud port.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_networking_port_v2" "port_1" {
  name = "port_1"

Argument Reference

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V2 Neutron client. A Neutron client is needed to retrieve port ids. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used.

  • project_id - (Optional) The owner of the port.

  • port_id - (Optional) The ID of the port.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the port.

  • admin_state_up - (Optional) The administrative state of the port.

  • network_id - (Optional) The ID of the network the port belongs to.

  • device_owner - (Optional) The device owner of the port.

  • mac_address - (Optional) The MAC address of the port.

  • device_id - (Optional) The ID of the device the port belongs to.

  • fixed_ip - (Optional) The port IP address filter.

  • status - (Optional) The status of the port.

  • security_group_ids - (Optional) The list of port security group IDs to filter.

Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the found port. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • region - See Argument Reference above.

  • project_id - See Argument Reference above.

  • port_id - See Argument Reference above.

  • name - See Argument Reference above.

  • admin_state_up - See Argument Reference above.

  • network_id - See Argument Reference above.

  • device_owner - See Argument Reference above.

  • mac_address - See Argument Reference above.

  • device_id - See Argument Reference above.

  • all_fixed_ips - The collection of Fixed IP addresses on the port in the order returned by the Network v2 API.

  • all_security_group_ids - The set of security group IDs applied on the port.