Up-to-date reference of API arguments for CSS flavor you can get at documentation portal


Use this data source to search matching CSS cluster flavor from OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Search by name

data "opentelekomcloud_css_flavor_v1" "flavor" {
  name = "css.medium.8"

Search by specs

data "opentelekomcloud_css_flavor_v1" "flavor" {
  min_cpu = 4
  min_ram = 32
  disk_range {
    min_from = 320
    min_to   = 800

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) Name of the flavor.

  • version - (Optional) Version of cluster.

  • type - (Optional) Flavor type, one of ess, ess-master, ess-client, ess-cold. Default is ess.

  • min_cpu - (Optional) Minimal count of CPU the flavor should have.

  • min_ram - (Optional) Minimal RAM size (GB) the flavor should have.

  • disk_range - (Optional) Disk range restrictions the flavor should match. Disk range describes available storage volume of the CSS node. Unit: GB.

    • min_from - (Optional) Minimal disk range start.

    • min_to - (Optional) Minimal disk range end.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes of a single found flavor are exported:

  • id - Flavor ID.

  • name - Flavor name.

  • ram - Flavor RAM (GB).

  • cpu - Flavor CPU count.

  • region - Region the flavor is available.

  • disk_range - Disk range specifications.

    • from - Minimal disk volume the flavor can have

    • to - Maximum disk volume the flavor can have