Up-to-date reference of API arguments for RDSv3 instance you can get at documentation portal


Use the opentelekomcloud_rds_instance_v3 datasource to query DB instances according to search criteria.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_rds_instance_v3" "instance" {
  name          = "rds_instance_1"
  id            = "rds_instance_1_id"
  type          = "single"
  database_type = "PostgreSQL"
  vpc_id        = "vpc-id"
  subnet_id     = "subnet-id"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Optional) Specifies the DB instance ID.

  • id - (Optional) ID of the RDS instance.

  • type - (Optional) Specifies the instance type based query. The value is Single, Ha, or Replica, which correspond to single instance, primary/standby instances, and read replica, respectively.

  • database_type - (Optional) Specifies the database type. Its value can be any of the following and is case-sensitive: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer

  • vpc_id - (Optional) Specifies the VPC ID.

  • subnet_id - (Optional) Specifies the network ID of the subnet.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - Indicates the DB instance ID.

  • name - Indicates created the DB instance name.

  • status - Indicates the DB instance status.

  • private_ips - Indicates the private IP address. It is a blank string until an ECS is created.

  • public_ips - Indicates the public IP address.

  • port - Indicates the database port number.

  • type - The value is Single, Ha, or Replica, which correspond to single instance, primary/standby instances, and read replica, respectively.

  • ha/replication_mode - Indicates the replication mode for the standby DB instance. The value cannot be empty.

  • region - Indicates the region where the DB instance is deployed.

  • datastore_version - Indicates the database version.

  • database_type - Indicates the database type.

  • vpc_id - Indicates the VPC ID.

  • subnet_id - Indicates the network ID of the subnet.

  • security_group_id - Indicates the security group ID.

  • security_group_name - Indicates the security group name.

  • volume_size - Indicates the volume size.

  • volume_type - Indicates the volume type.

  • backup_strategy/start_time - Indicates the backup time.

  • backup_strategy/keep_days - Indicates the backup retention period.

  • availability_zone - Indicates the availability zone.

  • created - Indicates the creation time.

  • updated - Indicates the update time.

  • flavor - Indicates the flavor ID.

  • tags - Indicates the tags.

  • timezone - Indicates the time zone.

  • db_username - Indicates the database username.

  • disk_encryption_id - Indicates the disk encryption ID.

  • nodes - Indicates the node information.

  • nodes/availability_zone - Indicates the availability zone.

  • nodes/id - Indicates the node ID.

  • nodes/name - Indicates the node name.

  • nodes/role - Indicates the node role. The value can be master, slave, or readreplica, indicating the primary node, standby node, and read replica node, respectively.

  • nodes/status - Indicates the node status.