
Use this data source to get authentication information about the current auth scope in use within OpenTelekomCloud. This can be used as self-discovery or introspection of the username or project name currently in use.

Example Usage

data "opentelekomcloud_identity_auth_scope_v3" "scope" {
  name = "my_scope"

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) The name of the scope. This is an arbitrary name which is only used as a unique identifier so an actual token isn't used as the ID.

-> This data source requires token in order to get authentication information. You need to set OS_TOKEN env variable or fill it in terraform config.

Attributes Reference

id is set to the name given to the scope. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • user_name - The username of the scope.

  • user_id - The user ID the of the scope.

  • user_domain_name - The domain name of the user.

  • user_domain_id - The domain ID of the user.

  • project_name - The project name of the scope.

  • project_id - The project ID of the scope.

  • project_domain_name - The domain name of the project.

  • project_domain_id - The domain ID of the project.

  • roles - A list of roles in the current scope. See reference below.

The roles block contains:

  • role_id - The ID of the role.

  • role_name - The name of the role.