
Use this data source to get the list of available flavor details within OpenTelekomCloud.

Example Usage

Query the list of kafka flavors for cluster type

data "opentelekomcloud_dms_flavor_v2" "test" {
  type = "cluster"

Query the kafka flavor details of the specified ID

data "opentelekomcloud_dms_flavor_v2" "test" {
  flavor_id = "c6.2u4g.cluster"

Query list of kafka flavors that available in the availability zone list

variable "az1" {}
variable "az2" {}

data "opentelekomcloud_dms_flavor_v2" "test" {
  availability_zones = [

Argument Reference

  • flavor_id - (Optional, String) Specifies the DMS flavor ID, e.g. c6.2u4g.cluster.

  • storage_spec_code - (Optional, String) Specifies the disk IO encoding.

    • Type of the disk that uses high I/O.

    • Type of the disk that uses ultra-high I/O.

  • type - (Optional, String) Specifies flavor type. The valid values are single and cluster.

  • arch_type - (Optional, String) Specifies the type of CPU architecture, e.g. X86.

  • availability_zones - (Optional, List) Specifies the list of availability zones with available resources.

  • charging_mode - (Optional, String) Specifies the flavor billing mode. The valid values are prePaid and postPaid.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The data source ID.

  • versions - The supported flavor versions.

  • flavors - The list of flavor details. The object structure is documented below.

The flavors block supports:

  • id - The flavor ID.

  • type - The flavor type.

  • region - The region in which to obtain the dms kafka flavors.

  • vm_specification - The underlying VM specification.

  • arch_types - The list of supported CPU architectures.

  • charging_modes - The list of supported billing modes.

  • ios - The list of supported disk IO types. The object structure is documented below.

  • support_features - The list of features supported by the current specification. The object structure is documented below.

  • properties - The properties of the current specification. The object structure is documented below.

The ios block supports:

  • storage_spec_code - The disk IO encoding.

  • type - The disk type.

  • availability_zones - The list of availability zones with available resources.

  • unavailability_zones - The list of unavailability zones with available resources.

The support_features block supports:

  • name - The function name, e.g. connector_obs.

  • properties - The function property details. The object structure is documented below.

The properties block supports:

  • max_task - The maximum number of tasks for the dump function.

  • min_task - The minimum number of tasks for the dump function.

  • max_node - The maximum number of nodes for the dump function.

  • min_node - The minimum number of nodes for the dump function.

The properties block supports:

  • max_broker - The maximum number of brokers.

  • min_broker - The minimum number of brokers.

  • max_bandwidth_per_broker - The maximum bandwidth per broker.

  • max_consumer_per_broker - The maximum number of consumers per broker.

  • max_partition_per_broker - The maximum number of partitions per broker.

  • max_tps_per_broker - The maximum TPS per broker.

  • max_storage_per_node - The maximum storage per node. The unit is GB.

  • min_storage_per_node - The minimum storage per node. The unit is GB.

  • flavor_alias - The flavor ID alias.