Plan Hint Optimization

In plan hints, you can specify a join order, join, stream, and scan operations, the number of rows in a result, and redistribution skew information to tune an execution plan, improving query performance.


The hint syntax must follow immediately after a SELECT keyword and is written in the following format:

/*+ */

You can specify multiple hints for a query plan and separate them by spaces. A hint specified for a query plan does not apply to its subquery plans. To specify a hint for a subquery, add the hint following the SELECT of this subquery.

For example:

select /*+   */ * from t1, (select /*+  */ from t2) where 1=1;

In the preceding command, <plan_hint1> and <plan_hint2> are the hints of a query, and <plan_hint3> is the hint of its subquery.


If a hint is specified in the CREATE VIEW statement, the hint will be applied each time this view is used.

If the random plan function is enabled (plan_mode_seed is set to a value other than 0), the specified hint will not be used.

Supported Hints

Currently, the following hints are supported:

  • Join order hints (leading)

  • Join operation hints, excluding the semi join, anti join, and unique plan hints

  • Rows hints

  • Stream operation hints

  • Scan operation hints, supporting only tablescan, indexscan, and indexonlyscan

  • Sublink name hints

  • Skew hints, supporting only the skew in the redistribution involving Join or HashAgg

  • Hint used for Agg distribution columns Only clusters of and later versions support this function.

  • Configuration parameter hints, supporting the parameters described in Configuration Parameter Hints


  • Sort, Setop, and Subplan hints are not supported.

  • Hints do not support SMP or Node Groups.

  • Hints cannot be used for the target table of the INSERT statement.


The following is the original plan and is used for comparing with the optimized ones:

select i_product_name product_name
,i_item_sk item_sk
,s_store_name store_name
,s_zip store_zip
,ad2.ca_street_number c_street_number
,ad2.ca_street_name c_street_name
,ad2.ca_city c_city
,ad2.ca_zip c_zip
,count(*) cnt
,sum(ss_wholesale_cost) s1
,sum(ss_list_price) s2
,sum(ss_coupon_amt) s3
FROM   store_sales
,customer_address ad2
WHERE  ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk AND
ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
ss_item_sk = sr_item_sk and
ss_ticket_number = sr_ticket_number and
c_current_addr_sk = ad2.ca_address_sk and
ss_promo_sk = p_promo_sk and
i_color in ('maroon','burnished','dim','steel','navajo','chocolate') and
i_current_price between 35 and 35 + 10 and
i_current_price between 35 + 1 and 35 + 15
group by i_product_name
