Change History

Released On



This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Importing and Exporting Custom Templates.

  • Added events of the following services: Document Database Service (DDS), Bare Metal Server (BMS), Cloud Eye, Distributed Cache Service (DCS), Distributed Database Middleware (DDM), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Config, Object Storage Service (OBS), Elastic IP (EIP), Elastic Load Balance (ELB), Elastic Volume Service (EVS), Host Security Service (HSS), Image Management Service (IMS), Key Management Service (KMS) in Events Supported by Event Monitoring.

  • Added descriptions of Direct Connect, Object Storage Service (OBS), and Data Ingestion Service (DIS) metrics in Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.

  • Removed section "Alarm Records".


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the following services in Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye: GaussDB NoSQL, GaussDB(for MySQL), and GaussDB(for openGauss).


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added Resource Groups.


Accepted for RM-1369, RM-2022, RM-385, RM-645, RM-666, RM-893.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the metric IDs for Scalable File Service (SFS) metrics.

  • Deleted example values in Creating an Alarm Rule.

  • Added unit minute for ECS and BMS OS monitoring metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to Elastic IP (EIP) and Bandwidth in section "Elastic IP (EIP) and Bandwidth Metrics."

  • Optimized the Distributed Message Service (DMS) metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Optimized Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) metrics, including the names of disk metrics.

  • Optimized Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disk metrics.

  • Optimized Relational Database Service (RDS) metrics.

  • Interconnected with Document Database Service (DDS).


This release incorporates the following changes:

Optimized the Create Alarm Rule window in Creating an Alarm Rule.

Interconnected with NAT Gateway.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Interconnected with Cloud Search Service (CSS).


This release incorporates the following changes:

Users can search for or select monitored objects when creating alarm rules.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Users can sort graphs by dragging them.

  • Users can view graphs directly from the alarm rule list on the Alarm Rules page.

  • Added the automatic refresh function to both standard and expanded graphs.

  • Added metrics for the enhanced load balancer and enhanced load balancer listener.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the auto refresh button to the monitoring panels.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Optimized the strings for alarm rule creation.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) traffic metrics.

  • Added the Alarm History page.

  • Optimized the monitoring data export function, in which users can select the time for the data to be exported.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Updated Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Launched the Custom Monitoring function.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added Auto Scaling (AS) metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Optimized the descriptions of Distributed Message Service (DMS) metrics.

  • When you create a topic, the page jumps from the Cloud Eye console to the SMN console.

  • Added Scalable File Service (SFS) metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the Custom Alarm Templates function.

  • Added Monitoring Overview.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the alarm template.

  • Updated the process of adding alarm rules.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Distributed Cache Service (DCS) metrics.

  • Added descriptions for API Gateway metrics.

  • Deleted an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) metric that can recover ECSs.

  • Added an FAQ: Under What Circumstances Will an Alarm Rule Trigger "Insufficient data"?


This release incorporates the following changes:

Optimized the Instance Monitoring page and supported tiled display of multiple metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Distributed Message Service (DMS) metrics.

  • Added Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) metrics.

  • Added Metric Quantity description.

  • Added Sum. as a rollup method.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) traffic metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) metric that can recover ECSs.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the operation of creating a monitoring panel.

  • Added the Cloud Eye data rollup mechanism.

  • Interconnected Cloud Eye to the SMN console to create topics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the rollup methods supported by Cloud Eye.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the custom metric function.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the function of querying historical alarms.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Deleted Resource Template Service (RTS) metrics.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added descriptions for Relational Database Service (RDS) metrics.


This issue is the first official release.