Viewing the Overview Page

The Overview page provides different modules, helping you track the resource usage and alarms in real time.

Resource Overview

This module displays the total number of monitored cloud service resources and alarms generated for these resources in the current account.

Alarm Statistics

This module displays the alarm trend for the last seven days and the number of alarms of each severity.

After you click the data next to an alarm severity, the Alarm Records page is displayed, showing all alarm records of the severity.

ECS Monitoring

This module displays the CPU usages of all ECSs, memory usages of Windows ECSs, top 5 ECSs on which the Agent is installed and have the highest memory usage, and top 5 ECSs on which the Agent is installed and have the highest CPU usage.

Clicking an ECS takes you to the corresponding Basic Monitoring page.

Network Monitoring

Displays the outbound bandwidth and inbound bandwidth of the current EIP and bandwidth in the last 1 hour.

  • Inbound bandwidth: indicates the network rate of inbound traffic.

  • Outbound bandwidth: indicates the network rate of outbound traffic.

  • Total outbound bandwidth of all EIPs: indicates the total network rate of outbound traffic of all EIPs.

  • Top 5 EIPs by outbound bandwidth: indicates the top 5 EIPs by outbound bandwidth.

Storage Monitoring

Storage Monitoring (EVS) on the left displays the top 5 EVS disks by read and write bandwidth. Storage Monitoring (EVS) on the right displays the top 5 EVS disks by read and write IOPS.

Full Screen

You can view various information, such as alarm statistics, event monitoring, and ECS monitoring on a full screen.