Change History

Released On



This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added parameter project_id in section "Querying Security Groups".

  • Added parameters priority, ethertype, project_id, and remote_address_group_id in section "Querying Security Group Rules".


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Deleted the response parameter enable_shared_snat from section Creating a VPC.

  • Added section "Security Group".

  • Added section "Security Group Rule".


This release incorporates the following changes:

Deleted parameters created_at and updated_at from section Querying Floating IP Addresses.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Updated the description about parameter updated_at in sections Querying Floating IP Addresses and Querying a Floating IP Address.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Updated Querying Bandwidths.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the following sections:

  • Querying VPCs

  • Querying Details About a VPC


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description about response parameter tags in sections "Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC" and "Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC".

  • Modified the UTC time format of parameters created_at and updated_at in sections "Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC" and "Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC".

  • Deleted response parameter use_default_subnetpool in Subnet.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description about request parameter extend_cidrs in section "Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC". Added as an additional secondary CIDR block that cannot be added to VPCs.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description of request parameter extend_cidrs and deleted the description indicating only one secondary CIDR block can be added to each VPC in section "Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC".

  • Modified the description of request parameter extend_cidrs and deleted the description indicating secondary CIDR blocks can only be removed one by one in section "Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC".


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the following sections:

  • Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC

  • Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description about parameter provider:network_type in Network.

  • Updated the description about response parameter {resources}_links in Pagination.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the following sections:


This release incorporates the following changes:

Modified the description about ip_version in Creating a Subnet.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Fixed known issues.

Added parameters address-group and ipv6.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Deleted the content about lease time of extra_dhcp_opts from Subnet.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Modified the alias information in the response body in Querying an EIP.

Modified IPv6-related fields in Subnet.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added description about interconnection with IAM fine-grained authorization in Permissions and Supported Actions.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Modified parameters in Deleting a Tag from an EIP.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Changed the value of size in Assigning a Shared Bandwidth and Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Modified the following content:

Modified description of shared and provider:network_type in Network.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following change:

Modified the following content:

Added description that EIPs of the Dedicated Load Balancer (5_gray) type cannot be created in Assigning an EIP, Releasing an EIP, Querying Floating IP Addresses, Querying a Floating IP Address, Assigning a Floating IP Address, Updating a Floating IP Address, and Deleting a Floating IP Address.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added support for binding and unbinding EIPs of the Dedicated Load Balancer (5_gray) type using APIs in Assigning an EIP, Releasing an EIP, Querying Floating IP Addresses, Querying a Floating IP Address, Assigning a Floating IP Address, Updating a Floating IP Address, and Deleting a Floating IP Address.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description about parameter updated_at and added parameters billing_info and enterprise_project_id in Bandwidth and Bandwidth (V2.0).

  • Changed the value range of type in Querying Quotas.

  • Added parameter remote_address_group_id to sections Security Group and Security Group.

  • Deleted parameters ipv6_address_mode and ipv6_ra_mode from Subnet.

  • Added parameter enterprise_project_id to section EIP.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the value of 5_mailbgp for parameters type and publicip_type

in sections Assigning an EIP, Bandwidth, and Bandwidth (V2.0).


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added APIs described in section VPC Flow Log and VPC flow log error codes to section Error Codes.

  • Modified the description of the charge_mode field and its value in the response example in Bandwidth.


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the title of section VPN (Native OpenStack API).

  • Linked the error codes in subsections of VPN (Native OpenStack API) to Error Codes.

  • Linked the error codes in subsection Subnet Pool to Status Codes.

  • Linked the error codes in the tag management sections.

  • Adjusted the sequence of subsections under Subnet Pool.

  • Modified the description of parameters share_type and charge_mode in the bandwidth field in section Assigning an EIP.

  • Added the example request in section Creating a VPN Service.

  • Added the example request and example response in section Querying VPN Endpoint Groups.

  • Added the example request in section Querying Details About a VPN Service.

  • Modified the example response in section Deleting an IKE Policy.

  • Added the example request in section Deleting a VPN Service.

  • Added the example request in section Querying Details About an IKE Policy.

  • Added the example response in section Querying Details About a VPN Endpoint Group.

  • Added the example response in section Querying Details About a VPN Service.

  • Added the example response in section Updating an IPsec Policy.

  • Added the example response in section Updating a VPN Service.

  • Modified the example request and example response in section Updating an IPsec VPN Connection.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Deleted the section Port.

  • Added section VPN (Native OpenStack API).

  • Added section Subnet Pool (Native OpenStack API).

  • Added parameters dns_name and dns_domain in the floating IP address object table in section Floating IP Address (Native OpenStack API).

  • Added parameters dns_name and dns_assignment in the port object table in section Port (Native OpenStack API) > Overview.

  • Added the parameter dns_domain in the network object table in section Network (Native OpenStack API) > Overview.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added parameter port_security_enable in section Creating a Subnet.

  • Modified the port_id parameter description in the publicip fields in section Binding or Unbinding an EIP under Elastic IP Address.

  • Updated the device_owner parameter description in the port object table in section Port (Native OpenStack API) > Overview.

  • Added the min parameter to the resources field in the response in section Querying Quotas.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Deleted the ip_version field from the floatingip object, request parameter, and response parameter in section Floating IP Address (Native OpenStack API).

  • Added section VPC Peering Connection.

  • Added section VPC Route.

  • Added a filter field to the URI of the APIs in sections Querying Ports and Querying VPC Routes.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Updated description in section Updating a Network under Network (Native OpenStack API).

  • Added section Elastic IP Address V2.0 (Extended OpenStack API).

  • Deleted the ip_version field from the floatingip object, request parameter, and response parameter in section Floating IP Address (Native OpenStack API).


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed the allowed maximum subnet mask value to 28 for CIDR blocks in the subnet object in section Overview under Subnet (Native OpenStack API).


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed the CRUD value of parameter router_id to R for the Floating IP address object in section Overview under Floating IP Address (Native OpenStack API).


Added the following sections:

  • Network (Native OpenStack API)

  • Router (Native OpenStack API)

  • Floating IP Address (Native OpenStack API)

  • firewall (Native OpenStack API)

  • Security Group (Native OpenStack API)

  • Modified the request URI in section Security Group.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added monitoring metrics up_stream and down_stream.

  • Added field dnsList for APIs used to create a subnet, query a subnet, query subnets, and update a subnet.

  • Changed the bandwidth size value to 1 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s in sections Elastic IP Address and Bandwidth.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the ip_address field to enable users to obtain a specified EIP.


This release incorporates the following changes:

Changed the ethertype field for adding a security group rule to an optional field.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the URL parameter description in section Service Usage.

  • Modified the procedure for making API calls for token authentication.


This issue is the first official release.