Enabling Web Tamper Protection

Before enabling WTP, you need to allocate a quota to a specified server. If the service is disabled or the server is deleted, the quota can be allocated to other servers.

The premium edition will be enabled when you enable WTP.

How WTP Prevents Web Page Tampering

Table 1 Protection mechanisms



Static web page protection

  1. Local directory lock

    WTP locks files in a web file directory in a drive to prevent attackers from modifying them. Website administrators can update the website content by using privileged processes.

  2. Active backup and restoration

    If WTP detects that a file in the protection directory is tampered with, it immediately uses the backup file on the local host to restore the file.

  3. Remote backup and restoration

    If a file directory or backup directory on the local server is invalid, you can use the remote backup service to restore the tampered web page.

Dynamic web page protection

Provides runtime application self-protection (RASP) for Tomcat applications in the following ways:

  1. Malicious behavior filtering based on RASP

    The unique runtime application self-protection (RASP) detects application program behaviors, preventing attackers from tampering with web pages through application programs.

  2. Network disk file access control

    WTP implements fine-grained management to control permissions for adding, modifying, and querying file content in network disks, preventing tampering without affecting website content release.


  • Choose Prevention > Web Tamper Protection. Click the Servers tab. The Protection Status of the server is Unprotected.

  • Choose Asset Management > Servers & Quota. The Agent Status of a server is Online, and the Protection Status of the server is Unprotected.

Setting Protected Directories

You can set:

  • You can add a maximum of 50 protected directories to a host. For details, see "Adding a Protected Directory".

  • To record the running status of the server in real time, exclude the log files in the protected directory. You can grant high read and write permissions for log files to prevent attackers from viewing or tampering with the log files.

Enabling WTP

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > HSS. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Prevention > Web Tamper Protection. On the Web Tamper Protection page, click Add Server.

    **Figure 1** Adding protected servers

    Figure 1 Adding protected servers

  4. On the Add Server page, click the Available servers tab. Select the target server, select a quota from the drop-down list or retain the default value, and click Add and Enable Protection.

  5. View the server status on the Web Tamper Protection page.

    The premium edition will be enabled when you enable WTP.

    • Choose Prevention > Web Tamper Protection. If the Protection Status of the server is Protected, WTP has been enabled.

    • Choose Asset Management > Servers & Quota and click the Servers tab. If the protection status of server is Protected, and Disable and Switch Edition are grayed out in the Operation column, the premium edition included with the WTP edition has been enabled.


  • A quota can be bound to a server to protect it, on condition that the agent on the server is online.

  • Disable WTP before updating a website and enable it after the update is complete. Otherwise, the website will fail to be updated.

  • Your website is not protected while WTP is disabled. Enable it immediately after updating your website.