Enabling the Enterprise/Premium Edition

Before enabling protection on servers, you need to allocate quota to a specified server. If the protection is disabled or the server is deleted, the quota can be allocated to other servers.

For the WTP edition, choose Prevention > Web Tamper Protection > Server Protection and then enable it.


To enable the WTP edition, choose Prevention > Web Tamper Protection > Server Protection and click the Servers tab. All the functions of the premium edition are included with the WTP edition.

Check Mode

HSS performs a full scan in the early morning every day.

After you enable server protection, you can view scan results after the automatic scan in the next early morning.


  • The agent has been installed on the servers to be protected, the agent status is Online, and the protection status is Unprotected.

  • To better protect your containers, you are advised to set security configurations.



  • Authorize the Windows firewall when you enable protection for a Windows server. Do not disable the Windows firewall during the HSS in-service period. If the Windows firewall is disabled, HSS cannot block brute-force attack IP addresses.

  • If the Windows firewall is manually enabled, HSS may also fail to block brute-force attack IP addresses.

Enabling Protection

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > Host Security Service. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Asset Management > Servers & Quota. Click the Servers tab.

    **Figure 1** Server list

    Figure 1 Server list

  4. Select the target server and click Enable.

    In the Enable Protection dialog box, select an HSS edition.

    **Figure 2** Enabling HSS

    Figure 2 Enabling HSS

    **Figure 3** Confirming the protection information

    Figure 3 Confirming the protection information

  5. Click OK. View the server protection status in the server list.

    If the Protection Status of the target server is Enabled, the enterprise or premium edition has been enabled.


    • A quota can be bound to a server to protect it, on condition that the agent on the server is online.

    After HSS is enabled, it will scan your servers for security issues. Check items vary according to the edition you enabled.

Viewing Detection Details

After server protection is enabled, HSS will immediately perform comprehensive detection on the server. The detection may take a long time.

On the left of the protection list, click Risky.

**Figure 4** Viewing risky items

Figure 4 Viewing risky items

Click a server name to go to the details page. On this page, you can quickly check the detected information and risks of the server.

**Figure 5** Viewing the detection result

Figure 5 Viewing the detection result

Follow-up Procedure

You can manually configure check items. Configurable items vary according to the edition you enabled.

**Figure 6** Manual check items

Figure 6 Manual check items

Table 1 Manual check items


Check Item


Security Configurations

  • Common login location/IP address

  • SSH login IP address whitelist

  • Isolate and kill malicious programs

Common Security Configuration

Intrusion Detection

  • Alarm whitelist

  • Login Whitelist configuration

Intrusion Detection


  • Application protection

  • Ransomware prevention

  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)

Proactive Defense