Enabling Container Protection

Before enabling protection for a container node, you need to allocate quota to a specified node. If the protection is disabled or the node is deleted, the quota can be allocated to other nodes.

Check Frequency

HSS performs a full check in the early morning every day.

After you enable server protection, you can view scan results after the automatic scan in the next early morning.


  • The Agent Status of a server is Online. To check the status, choose Asset Management > Containers & Quota.

  • You have created nodes on CCE.

  • The Protection Status of the node is Unprotected.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > HSS. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Asset Management > Containers & Quota.

    **Figure 1** Accessing the container node management page

    Figure 1 Accessing the container node management page

  4. In the Operation column of the node list, click Enable Protection.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, confirm the server information.

  6. Click OK. If the Protection Status of the server changes to Protected, protection has been enabled.


    A container security quota protects one cluster node.