2024-09-25 | Added: Modified: |
2024-07-19 | Added: |
2024-06-14 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: |
2022-12-01 | This release incorporates the following changes: |
2022-10-30 | This release incorporates the following changes: Removed support for normal queues. Added description about Kafka v2.7, automatic topic creation, and disk encryption in section Creating a Kafka Instance. Added two methods for connecting to a Kafka instance: Accessing Kafka Using a VPC Endpoint Across VPCs and Accessing Kafka in a Public Network Using DNAT. Added description about how to modify topic parameters, export topics, and view sample code for connecting to instances. Related sections are Changing Kafka Message Retention Period, Changing Kafka Partition Quantity, "Modifying Synchronous Replication and Synchronous Flushing", Exporting the Kafka Topic List, and Viewing Sample Code of Kafka Production and Consumption. Added description about user management in sections Configuring Kafka ACL Users, Configuring Kafka Topic Permissions, "Resetting SASL_SSL Password", and "Deleting SASL_SSL Users". Added description about consumer group management in sections Querying the Kafka Consumer Group List, Deleting a Kafka Consumer Group, Viewing and Resetting Kafka Consumption Offsets, and Viewing Kafka Consumer Information. Added description about how to modify configuration parameters in section Modifying Kafka Instance Configuration Parameters. Added description about tags in sections Creating a Kafka Instance, Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a Kafka Instance, and Configuring Kafka Instance Tags. Added Instances, Connections, Topics and Partitions, Consumer Groups, Messages, and Monitoring & Alarm to FAQs.
2020-08-11 | This release incorporates the following changes: |
2020-07-29 | This release incorporates the following changes: |
2020-02-20 | This release incorporates the following changes: |
2019-12-16 | Accepted for RM-2128. |
2019-11-30 | This release incorporates the following changes: Optimized description about Kafka premium instances in section What Is DMS?. Added description about DMS functions in section "Functions". Added description about the differences between Kafka queues and Kafka premium instances in section "Comparing Kafka Queues and Kafka Premium Instances". Added description about the specifications of Kafka queues and Kafka premium instances in section Specifications. Added explanation of the relationship between Kafka premium instances and VPCs in section Related Services. Optimized description about DMS queues and added description about Kafka premium instances in section Basic Concepts. Added recommendations on Kafka client configurations in Best Practices. Removed the Region parameter in section "Creating a Queue". Optimized description about queue policy parameters in section "Managing Queue Policies". Optimized description about Kafka premium instance operations and parameters in chapter "Managing Kafka Premium Instances". Optimized description about DMS metrics in section Kafka Metrics. Added description about Kafka premium instance operations supported by CTS in section Viewing Kafka Audit Logs.
2019-11-08 | This release incorporates the following changes: |
2018-11-07 | Accepted in OTC 3.2. |
2018-05-25 | Accepted in OTC 3.1. |
2018-04-28 | Added the following content: |
2018-04-03 | Added the following content: |
2018-01-19 | Modified the following content: |
2017-12-05 | Modified the following content: |
2017-10-25 | Modified the following content: |
2017-07-28 | Modified the following content: Provided support for FIFO queues. Provided support for dead letter queues. Added two dead letter message monitoring metrics to Cloud Eye. Added section Basic Concepts. Added the step of selecting a region and a project.
2017-03-30 | Modified the following content: In section "Retrieving Messages", changed Consume Interval to Queue Polling Interval. In section "Retrieving Messages", changed Consume Message to Retrieve Message.
2017-01-19 | Modified the following content: In sections Change History and "Functions", added description about how multiple consumer groups retrieve messages. In section Change History, revised description about attribute names. In section "Creating a Queue", added description about queue quota. In section Change History, added description about attribute names. In section "Retrieving Messages", changed Message Count to Max. Message Count. In section "Retrieving Messages", revised description about message retrieval.
2017-01-13 | Modified the following content: In section Change History, revised description about queues and messages. In section Change History, revised the figure "Distribution of messages from a queue". Deleted redundant information.
2017-01-09 | Modified the following content: In section Change History, added description about message creation results. Added section "Why Do Consumers Need to Acknowledge Messages?".
2016-12-19 | This issue is the first official release. |