Updating the Stack Template or its Parameters


Stack change records are not available. If you want to view change details, you are recommended to create an execution plan.

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. In the upper left corner of the page, click image1, and then click Management & Deployment > Resource Formation Service.

    The Dashboard page is displayed.

    **Figure 1** RFS Dashboard

    Figure 1 RFS Dashboard

  3. In the left navigation pane, click Stacks on the left, you can see all the stacks created under the current account, as shown in Figure RFS Stacks.

    Figure 2 RFS Stacks


  4. You can update the stack template or its parameters in either of the following ways:

    • Go to the stack list page, locate the target stack, and click Update in the Operation column.

    • Alternatively, go to the stack details page and click Update Template/Parameter in the upper right corner.

    You can change the current template associated with the stack or modify the parameter configuration of the current template.

    **Figure 3** Selecting a template

    Figure 3 Selecting a template

    You can select Current Template or Replace Current Template (use a new template) to update the stack.

    1. Using the current template

      • After you select Current Template, click Next to go to the Configure Parameters page and modify parameters on it, as shown in Figure 4. For further details, see Creating a Stack.

        **Figure 4** Configuring parameters

        Figure 4 Configuring parameters

      • Click Next to go to the Confirm Configurations page, as shown in Figure 5.

        **Figure 5** Confirming configurations

        Figure 5 Confirming configurations

      • Click Directly Deploy Stack or Create Execution Plan. For further details, please follow the procedure in Creating a Stack.

    2. Replacing the current template

      For further details about the configuration steps, please follow the procedure in Creating a Stack.