Change History

Released On

What's New


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

Changed Ethernet Connection or Ethernet connection to Ethernet Connect in the following sections:

What Is PLAS?

Enabling PLAS (EC)

What Is Ethernet Connect?


This release incorporates the following changes:


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the Network PoP parameter to the PLAS connector parameters table in section Table 1.

  • Updated the Network Information screenshot in section Figure 4.


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed Name to Connector Name.

  • Changed ID to Connector ID.

  • Replace the screenshots in the following sections with the latest screenshots.

Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors


This release incorporates the following changes:

Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors

Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector

How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Region in Create PLAS Connector pane and Modify PLAS Connector pane

  • Changed the bandwidth which can range from 10 to 1000 Mbit/s. Options are as follows:

    10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 1000.

  • Replace all screenshots in the following sections with the latest screenshots.

Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors

Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector

How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed Private Line Access Service to Private Link Access Service Connector in the navigation pane.

  • Changed OK to YES, Cancel to NO in Delete PLAS Connector pane.

  • Changed Confirm to Submit in Create PLAS Connector pane.

  • Replace all screenshots in the following sections with the latest screenshots.

Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors

Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector

How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?


This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Changed Private Line Access Service to Private Link Access Service.

  • Changed Connector information to Connector Information.

  • Changed Cloud information to Cloud Information.

  • Replace all screenshots in the following sections with the latest screenshots.

What Is PLAS?

Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors

Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector

Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector

How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?


This release incorporates the following changes:

Deleted section hyperlinks placed under all level-1 titles in the following sections:


Getting Started



Modified description about the number of characters that a name contains to 1 to 64 in the Connector information category in Step 5 in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Added a way to configure the bandwidth: Add or click image1orimage2 to set Bandwidth in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Changed the name of the button for adjusting Access Location (AZ) to IntraSelect in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Changed the IPLS network administrator to IP VPN administrator in Step 8 in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Added a note to step 8 that users will be informed by mail from IP VPN administrator, when PLAS is enabled in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Added Step 5 and screenshots about query details in section Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors.

Added two prerequisites to the Prerequisites block in section Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Added a screenshot about how to modify the PLAS connector information to Step 5 in section Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Deleted FAQs listed in the right column because they are not related to this document or have been mentioned in certain sections.

  • What Are the Pricing Elements for PLAS Ethernet Connect?

  • What Are the Charging Standards?

  • What Are the Pricing Conditions for a Deutsche Telekom Customer?

  • What Are the Pricing Conditions for a T-Systems Customer?

  • I Am Using an IP VPN MPLS from T-Systems or Intra Select from Deutsche Telekom. How Can I Access Open Telekom Cloud?

  • Is It Possible to Connect My MPLS network to Open Telekom Cloud?

  • Which PLAS (VPN) Connectors Can Be Modified or Deleted?

  • What Is the Impact of PLAS (VPN) Connector Deletion?

  • What Are the Next Steps for Open Telekom Cloud PLAS?

Modified a FAQ of PLAS (VPN) in the following sections:

How Do I Access Open Telekom Cloud Through PLAS?

Which Bandwidths Can I Order with Ethernet Connect to Open Telekom Cloud PLAS?

How Long Will It Take Until I Can Use Ethernet Connect?

Added a FAQ of PLAS in section Does the PLAS Connector Support the IAM System?

Modified the port description in section Charging.

Added description of the bandwidth range in section Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

Added description of the association between the primary and secondary DC connections and the relationship between the DC connection and bandwidth in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.


  • Modified a FAQ of PLAS (VPN) in section What Is the Relationship Between PLAS (VPN) and DC Connections?

  • The description of the parameter for creating a PLAS Connector is modified because the GUI is changed in sections Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector and How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?


Added a FAQ of PLAS (VPN) in section What Is the Relationship Between PLAS (VPN) and DC Connections?

The description of the parameter for creating a PLAS Connector is modified because the GUI is changed in section Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector.


Accepted in OTC 3.1.


  • Modified the description of Issue 5, Issue 6, and Issue 7 of Change History in section Change History.

  • Modified the description of the Carrier network part in the figure (Figure 1) in section Application Scenarios and Physical Networking.

  • Added the description about whether to charge the PLAS VPN port in the charging factor in section Charging.

  • Deleted section 3.1.1 Procedure of Enabling PLAS.

  • Added the contact information of IP VPN Admin in section Procedure of Enabling PLAS (VPN).

  • Modified the description of Direct Connect name to indicate the Connection Name of Direct Connect in sections Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector and Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

  • Added the step of confirming the deletion in section Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector.

  • Added the description of whether EC or VPN can be distinguished in the title in the following sections:

    Enabling PLAS (EC)

    Disabling PLAS (EC)

    Modifying PLAS (EC) Configurations

    Procedure of Enabling PLAS (VPN)

    Creating a PLAS (VPN) Connector

    Searching for PLAS (VPN) Connectors

    Modifying a PLAS (VPN) Connector

    Deleting a PLAS (VPN) Connector

    What Is the Maximum Bandwidth Supported by PLAS (EC/SCC/CX)?

    Do PLAS (EC/SCC/CX) Connections Support Dynamic Routing Protocols?

    What Factors Do I Need to Take into Account When Enabling PLAS (EC/SCC/CX)?

    How Do I Plan the PLAS (EC/SCC/CX) Access Address?

    How Do I Set Bandwidth for a PLAS (VPN) Connector?

  • Added some FAQs of PLAS (EC) in the following sections:

    What Is Ethernet Connect?

    Do I Need a New Contract to Set Up a New Ethernet Connect to Open Telekom Cloud?

    How Do I Access Open Telekom Cloud Through PLAS?

    Which Bandwidths Can I Order with Ethernet Connect to Open Telekom Cloud PLAS?

    How Long Will It Take Until I Can Use Ethernet Connect?

    What About SLA?

    Is Ethernet Connect Also Available Outside Germany?

    What If I Do Not Have the MPLS Service Provided by Deutsche Telekom or T-Systems?

    What Are the Pricing Elements for PLAS Ethernet Connect? What Are the Charging Standards?

    What Are the Pricing Conditions for a Deutsche Telekom Customer?

    What Are the Pricing Conditions for a T-Systems Customer?

    I Am Using an IP VPN MPLS from T-Systems or Intra Select from Deutsche Telekom. How Can I Access Open Telekom Cloud?

    Is It Possible to Connect My MPLS network to Open Telekom Cloud?

    What Are the Next Steps for Open Telekom Cloud PLAS?


Added some sections from PLAS VPN User Guide 04.



Accepted in OTC 3.0.



  • Port type: It indicates the type of the user-side device connected to Ethernet and is an optical port. The port type can be 1GE or 10GE physical port. The bandwidth is 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s in section

    What Factors Do I Need to Take into Account When Enabling PLAS (EC/SCC/CX)?

  • Modify the link in step "Submit applications" in section Enabling PLAS (EC).

  • Added the section "Modifying the PLAS Configuration" in section Modifying PLAS (EC) Configurations.

  • Added a FAQ "How do I Obtain PLAS Information?" in section How do I obtain PLAS information?

  • Deleted "Direct Connect 2.0" in section Can I Access Multiple VPCs Using a PLAS Connection?

  • Optimized the answer in section What Is the Maximum Bandwidth Supported by PLAS (EC/SCC/CX)?

  • Deleted section "Obtaining the Resource ID".

  • Use the template linked to Help Center when enabling, disabling, or modifying PLAS. The template content is provided by Open Telekom Cloud in the following sections:

    Enabling PLAS (EC)

    Disabling PLAS (EC)

    Modifying PLAS (EC) Configurations


File PLAS Order Form Template.xlsx is attached for UAT. When Help Center of the test bed version is released after January 30, 2017, this document will use the hyperlink of the file that has been uploaded to Help Center.



This issue is the first official release.