Creating a Folder

Create a folder on OBS Browser+.


Unlike a file system, OBS does not involve the concepts of file and folder. For easy data management, OBS allows you to simulate a folder by adding a slash (/) to the name of an object.


  1. Log in to OBS Browser+.

  2. Click the bucket where you want to create a folder and click Create Folder.

  3. In the displayed dialog box, enter a folder name and click OK, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Creating a folder


    • A folder name cannot contain the following special characters: \ : * ? ' < > |

    • A folder name cannot start or end with a period (.) or slash (/).

    • A folder name cannot exceed 1,023 bytes. The length of a folder name is the sum of the length of its own and the length of its upper-level directories. The total length cannot exceed 1,023 bytes. Directories of different levels are automatically separated by slashes (/). For example, if the upper-level directory of folder01 is folder02, the name length of folder folder01 is the length of folder02/folder01/.

    • A single slash (/) separates and creates multiple levels of folders.

  4. Click OK.