Viewing Cluster Details

Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console. In the navigation tree on the left, click Clusters > Dedicated Clusters. In the cluster list, locate the required cluster and click its name. The Cluster Information page is displayed.

On the Basic Information page, you can view the following information:

  • Basic Information: Table 1 lists the related parameters.

  • Connection: Table 2 describes the parameters.

  • Network: Table 3 lists the related parameters.

  • Storage/Backup Capacity: Table 4 describes the parameters.

  • Data Encryption Information: Table 5 lists the related parameters.


    You can view this module if you enable the data encryption function when creating a cluster.

Table 1 Basic information



Cluster Name

Cluster name specified when a cluster is created.

Cluster Status

Cluster running status. For details, see Cluster Status.

Parameter Configuration Status

Parameter configuration status of a cluster.

Task Information

Cluster task status. For details, see Cluster Task Information.

Current Specifications

Current node specifications.


Number of nodes in the cluster.

Logical Clusters

You can enable it as required. The Logical Clusters menu item will be displayed after you enable it.

Cluster ID

ID of the cluster.

Cluster Version

Cluster version information.


Time when the cluster was created.

Node Flavor

Node flavor of the cluster.

Maintenance Window

Maintenance window of the cluster.

Enterprise Project

Enterprise project to which a cluster belongs. You can click the enterprise project name to view and edit it on the console of the Enterprise Project service.

Table 2 Connection



Private Network Domain Name

Domain name for accessing the cluster database through the internal network. The domain name corresponds to all CN IP addresses. The private network domain address is automatically generated when a cluster is created. The default naming rule is cluster


  • If the cluster name does not comply with the domain name standards, the prefix of the default access domain name will be adjusted accordingly.

  • Load balancing is not supported.

You can click Modify to change the private network domain name. The access domain name contains 4 to 63 characters, which consists of letters, digits, and hyphens (-), and must start with a letter.

For details, see Managing Access Domain Names.

Private Network IP Address

IP address for accessing the database in the cluster over the private network.


  • A private IP address is automatically generated when you create a cluster. The IP address is fixed.

  • The number of private IP addresses equals the number of CNs. You can log in to any node to connect to the cluster.

  • If you access a fixed IP address over the internal network, all the resource pools will run on a single CN.

Public Network Domain Name

Name of the domain for accessing the database in the cluster over the public network. For details, see Managing Access Domain Names.


Load balancing is not supported.

Public Network IP Address

IP address for accessing the database in the cluster over the public network.


  • If no EIP is assigned during cluster creation and Public Network IP Address is empty, click Edit to bind an EIP to the cluster.

  • If an EIP is bound during cluster creation, click Edit to unbind the EIP.

Initial Administrator

Database administrator specified during cluster creation. When you connect to the cluster for the first time, you need to use the initial database administrator and password to connect to the default database.


Port number for accessing the cluster database through the public network or private network. The port number is specified when the cluster is created.

Default Database

Database name specified when the cluster is created. When you connect to the cluster for the first time, connect to the default database.

ELB Address

To achieve high availability and avoid single-CN failures, a new cluster needs to be bound to ELB. You are advised to use the ELB address to connect to the cluster.

Table 3 Network




Current working zone of the cluster.


AZ selected during cluster creation.


VPC selected during cluster creation.

A VPC is a secure, isolated, and logical network environment.

After a data warehouse cluster is created, its VPC cannot be changed. However, you can edit and modify the current VPC. You can click the VPC name to go to the VPC details page to configure it. For details about VPC operations, see VPC and Subnet in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.


Subnet selected during cluster creation.

A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are isolated from other networks, improving network security.

After a data warehouse cluster is created, its subnet cannot be changed. However, you can edit and modify the current subnet. You can click the subnet name to go to the subnet details page to configure it. For details about subnet operations, see VPC and Subnet > Modifying a Subnet in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

Security Group

Security group selected during cluster creation.

After a data warehouse cluster is created, its security group cannot be changed. However, you can edit and modify the current security group, and add, delete, or modify rules in it.

You can click the security group name to go to the security group details page to configure it. For details about security group operations, see Security > Security Group in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

Table 4 Storage/Backup capacity




The storage class Ultra-high I/O and the storage space usage are displayed.


  • The used storage capacity does not include data on OBS foreign tables. It includes only GaussDB(DWS) data, including files, logs, snapshots, and indexes.

  • The available storage space is half of the actual disk capacity.


The space in use, free space, and charged space of the cluster are displayed.

Cold Data Used Capacity

OBS capacity used by cold data.


OBS capacity usage. It is synchronized every hour.

Table 5 Data encryption information



Key Name

Indicates the database encryption key of the cluster when Encrypt DataStore is enabled.

Last Key Rotation Time

Indicates the time when the last encryption key is rotated when Encrypt DataStore is enabled.