Removing the Read-only Status

A cluster in read-only status does not allow write operations. You can remove this status on the management console. A cluster becomes read-only probably because of high disk usage. For details about how to solve this problem, see "High Disk Usage and Read Only Status" in Data Warehouse Service (DWS) Troubleshooting Guide.


  • The read-only status can be canceled for version 1.7.2 or later.

  • In 8.2.0 and later versions, you can free up disk space by using DROP/TRUNCATE TABLE in a read-only cluster.

Impact on the System

  • You can cancel the read-only status only when a cluster is read-only.

  • When a cluster is in read-only status, stop the write tasks to prevent data loss caused by used up disk space.

  • After the read-only status is canceled, clear the data as soon as possible to prevent the cluster from entering the read-only status again after a period of time.

Removing Read-only Status

  1. Log in to the GaussDB(DWS) management console.

  2. Choose Clusters > Dedicated Cluster. All clusters are displayed by default.

  3. In the Operation column of the target cluster, choose More > Cancel Read-only.


  4. In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK to confirm and remove the read-only status for the cluster.