Ansible Galaxy

The following example shows how to deploy a web application on Tomcat using the AnsibleGalaxy component. We will use the galaxy zaxos.tomcat-ansible-role to deploy Tomcat.


Figure 1. Ansible Galaxy example


You can find this example under New Application / Topology Template / Ansible-Galaxy.

Step 1. Create compute

  • Design a compute with access to public network.

  • Set distribution to centOS.


Figure 2. Create a compute with public access

The ansible galaxy in this example only works on CentOS/RHEL 7 so we have to set the distribution for the compute node.

Step 2. Create AnsibleGalaxy Tomcat

  • Drop the AnsibleGalaxy on the compute. Name it Tomcat.

  • Set galaxy_name to zaxos.tomcat-ansible-role. This is the name of the galaxy to install.

  • Set component_version to 1.3.2. This is the tag of the GIT repository zaxos.tomcat-ansible-role. By default, it is set to master.

  • Set port to 8080. The orchestrator will create a security group to allow incoming traffic on port 8080 automatically.


Figure 3. Ansible Galaxy properties

Step 3. Define ansible variables

  • Write a yml file (e.g., tomcat_vars.yml):

# In this example, we configure the ansible galaxy to deploy Tomcat at :code:`/opt`
# and listen on port :code:`8080`.
tomcat_version: 8.5.23
tomcat_install_path: /opt
tomcat_port_connector: 8080
tomcat_permissions_production: True

  - username: "tomcat"
    password: "t3mpp@ssw0rd"
    roles: "tomcat,admin,manager,manager-gui"

See also

The ansible variables above are from the galaxy zaxos.tomcat-ansible-role. Take a look at the given galaxy to see which variables are available and customize them according to your needs.

  • Upload tomcat_vars.yml and select it as the artifact ansible_variables.


Figure 4. Ansible Galaxy variables

Step 4. Configure AnsibleGalaxy

  • By default, Tomcat uses Ipv6, so we write an ansible task (e.g., setenv.yml) to configure Tomcat to listen on IPv4:

- name: "Tell tomcat to listen for ipv4 instead of ipv6"
    dest: "/opt/tomcat/bin/"
    content: |
    owner: tomcat
    group: tomcat
- name: Restart tomcat to enable ipv4
    state: restarted
    daemon_reload: yes
    name: tomcat
- name: "Flush firewall (optional)"
  shell: iptables -F INPUT
    executable: /bin/bash
  • Upload setenv.yml and select it as the artifact configure.


This example shows how to execute additional tasks after the ansible galaxy is applied.

Step 5. Deploy the .war file

  • Drop GetUrl on the AnsibleGalaxy component. This component downloads a file on the Compute node after the Ansible Galaxy has completed.

  • Check the box ansible_become. This makes sure the file is created on the Compute node with no permission issues.

  • Set url to This will download the sample.war file from the given url. Here we use the sample.war file from the Tomcat sample web application.

  • Set dest to /opt/tomcat/webapps. This is the webapps location inside the CATALINA_HOME of Tomcat. The sample.war file will be created in this directory.

  • Set group to tomcat. This will set the permission of the sample.war file to the group tomcat. The ansible galaxy zaxos.tomcat-ansible-role will create this group for you beforehand.


Figure 5. Using geturl

Step 6. Define the deployment output (optional)

  • Select app_url as outputs properties. The deployment will output the web application URL for you.


Figure 5. Ansible Galaxy output

Expected result

  • Access the app_url http://<public_ip>:8080/sample/


Figure 6. Sample web application