Creating an AHPA Policy¶
The native Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) in Kubernetes can cause delays in scaling due to its passive triggering mechanism. To address this issue, the Advanced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (AHPA) proactively identifies periods of pod scaling and predicts future fluctuations by analyzing historical service metrics.
AHPA monitors historical workload metrics and performs weekly modeling, making it particularly effective for workloads with clear periodic patterns.
After AHPA is enabled, it collects monitoring data for a specific workload over a period of one to eight weeks. It then analyzes and models the data using statistical principles. Then, AHPA uses historical monitoring data and future service trends to recommend the optimal number of pods for a workload every minute. This allows pods to be prepared in advance to handle anticipated increases in service volume, ensuring adequate resource availability.
AHPA can work with HPA and CronHPA to scale pods in complex scenarios.
AHPA allows you to change the maximum and minimum number of pods in an HPA policy based on the recommended result, or directly adjust the number of pods in a Deployment.
AHPA and CronHPA share the same approach for adjusting the maximum and minimum pod numbers specified in an HPA policy. For details, see Using CronHPA to Adjust the HPA Scaling Scope.
The CCE Advanced HPA add-on of v1.5.2 or later has been installed in the cluster. For details, see CCE Advanced HPA.
The Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring add-on has been installed in the cluster, and the monitoring data is reported to AOM. For details, see Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring.
Notes and Constraints¶
AHPA policies apply only to clusters of v1.23 or later.
For clusters of v1.19.10 and later, if an HPA policy is used to scale out a workload with EVS volumes mounted, a new pod cannot be started because EVS disks cannot be attached.
The specifications of the CCE Advanced HPA add-on are determined based on the total number of containers in the cluster and the number of scaling policies. Configure 500m CPU cores and 1000 MiB of memory for every 5000 containers, and 100m CPU cores and 500 MiB of memory for every 1000 scaling policies.
AHPA needs extra memory as it analyzes and processes historical workload data. It is advised to allocate 100m CPU cores and 300 MiB of memory for every 100 AHPA policies.
After an AHPA policy is created, the type of its associated workload cannot be changed.
Either an AHPA policy or a CustomedHPA policy can be enabled.
Using AHPA¶
Use kubectl to access the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
Deploy a sample workload. If a workload already runs in the cluster, skip this step. It is advised to use a workload that has been monitored for over seven days, as AHPA requires a minimum of seven days of monitoring data.
kubectl create -f hamster.yaml
Example configuration of hamster.yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: hamster spec: selector: matchLabels: app: hamster replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: hamster spec: containers: - name: hamster image: resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 50Mi command: ["/bin/sh"] args: - "-c" - "while true; do timeout 0.5s yes >/dev/null; sleep 0.5s; done"
Create an AHPA task.
kubectl create -f hamster-ahpa.yaml
Example configuration of hamster-vpa.yaml:
apiVersion: kind: AdvancedHorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: hamster-ahpa namespace: default spec: scaleTargetRef: # Associated workload, which can only be Deployment/HPA apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: hamster minReplicas: 2 # Minimum number of pods maxReplicas: 10 # Maximum number of pods metrics: # Metrics, whose format is the same as that of the community HPA - type: Resource # Metric source type, which can only be Resource resource: name: cpu # Metric source name, which can only be CPU or memory target: type: Utilization # Metric source type, which can only be Utilization averageUtilization: 50 predictConfig: predictWindowSeconds: 1800 stabilizationWindowSeconds: 1800 quantile: "0.97" effectiveTime: - '* * 11-22 ? * MON-FRI' # Valid from 11:00 to 22:00, from Monday to Friday
Table 1 Key AHPA parameters¶ Parameter
Target Deployment/HPA.
Metrics for scaling, which can only be CPU or memory. Only one metric can be configured. Either CPU or memory can be configured.
Maximum number of pods, which ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Minimum number of pods, which ranges from 0 to 2147483647.
Recommendation time window, which starts from the current time. The historical monitoring data within this time window will be used to calculate the recommended number of pods. The value can range from 1 to 3600.
Scale-in cooling duration. The value ranges from 0 to 3600.
Prediction quantile, which indicates the probability that a service metric's actual value will be lower than the preset target value. A higher value indicates a more conservative estimate. The value ranges from 0 to 1. Two decimal places are supported. The default value is 0.99. The recommended value ranges from 0.90 to 0.99.
If multiple cron expressions are specified, AHPA will take effect on the combined set of these expressions. The default setting is always valid.
After AOM has collected at least seven days of monitoring data for the target workload, AHPA can create a model and suggest the appropriate number of pods. Wait for the recommended number of pods to be provided and run the following command to check AHPA resource details:
kubectl get ahpa hamster-ahpa -oyaml
The command output is as follows:
apiVersion: kind: AdvancedHorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: creationTimestamp: "2024-10-07T13:11:58Z" generation: 2 name: hamster-ahpa namespace: default resourceVersion: "15529454" uid: e5ffbb01-50b0-4485-8cf5-bc2be884b1ee spec: effectiveTime: - '* * 11-22 ? * MON-FRI' maxReplicas: 10 metrics: - resource: name: cpu target: averageUtilization: 50 type: Utilization type: Resource minReplicas: 2 predictConfig: predictWindowSeconds: 1800 quantile: "0.97" stabilizationWindowSeconds: 1800 scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: hamster status: conditions: - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z" message: the AHPA's model is ready reason: ModelIsReady status: "True" type: ModelAvailable - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z" message: the AHPA was able to successfully calculate a replica count reason: SucceededRunPrediction status: "True" type: ScalingActive - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z" message: ths ahpa checkpoint is fresh reason: CheckpointIsFresh status: "True" type: CheckpointAvailable - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z" message: recommended size matches current size reason: ReadyForNewScale status: "True" type: AbleToScale - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z" message: the desired replica count is more than the maximum replica count reason: TooManyReplicas status: "True" type: ScalingLimited currentReplicas: 10 desiredReplicas: 10 lastScaleTime: "2024-10-07T13:24:19Z"